Please ban pieces of trash like this player.
If you aren't playing legit, you're cheating, you should be banned. Simple.
Bioness wrote:I thought Goochie was a mage? What are there two of her?
ILikeEggs wrote:Chester wrote:ILikeEggs wrote:lol chester I've seen you ganking low levels(including myself) atleast half a dozen times
I never said I don't kill people lower level than me. That being said, I don't think i've ever sat in a zone for 6+hours ganking low levels. In between bg queues i've definitely killed low levels. Especially never used a lag macro to escape a fight.
Half a dozen times sounds like an exaggeration though or just really coincidental.
the reason I mention it is because you say "You have enough pride to gank lowbies" or w/e when you do the same shit.
ILikeEggs wrote:lmao it's only douchey to gank low levels under certain circumstances, which is why it's cool when you kill people that can't fight back, right? Wrong, both of you guys are douchebags for going out of your way to kill defenseless players. If somebody gives honor, it's whatever, bad luck for them. But when you set aside time out of your life to do nothing but make other people suffer, sorry you're the definition of somebody who sucks as a person. Maybe I haven't seen you ganking half a dozen times though, maybe I was just confused because 98% of the horde playerbase is either undead rogue or undead mage.
onetimeslasher wrote:wtf is lag macro?
Chester wrote:onetimeslasher wrote:wtf is lag macro?
It works better on shitty computers, but basically it is a macro full of fake commands that he is spamming when running a certain direction. What will happen is on other player's screens it will appear that you're still moving, even though on your screen you are not moving. On top of this players, will not be able to actually hit you with abilities unless they are within range of your actual real position, even if the spell tooltip shows that the enemy is in range. Once the person stops using the lag macro, on everyone else's screen their character will teleport back to where it should be from where they initially started spamming the lag macro.
It's a giant flaw in the way the server tried to predict your actual position through lag in vanilla. I don't think it gets fixed until sometime in BC.
I'll upload a video showing what it looks like.