How hard is it to whisper back?

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Re: How hard is it to whisper back?

by Yakuza » Mon Jul 13, 2015 12:10 am

I did that to at least two players today, we were 4 advancing in Stromgarde Keep and to be honest, between Elite Ogres and groups of Hordes I did not have time to chit chat, shift / click on names, found what we needed and moved on.

I also don't get replies to my whispers and I don't care, it's not like I'm sitting in SW waiting for a group, I'm questing, farming, PVP'ing...

Re: How hard is it to whisper back?

by Nessy » Mon Jul 13, 2015 12:12 am

Don't take it personally, there are many reasons for people not replying that might not have to do with bad manners. Also, if you don't expect people to reply to you then you wont be disappointed when they don't, which apparently is most of the time

Re: How hard is it to whisper back?

by grizzlyl2p » Mon Jul 13, 2015 12:28 am

when someone doesn't reply, take that as a no derp

Re: How hard is it to whisper back?

by Redcap » Mon Jul 13, 2015 5:25 pm

On other private servers there will be a World, LFG, and Trade channels for people to advertise or talk about things that are on topic. If you were looking for a group you could just turn off the global world channel and focus on the LFG channel and get work done, the same going for the guy looking for group members.

But sticking to just one channel to do everything in is probably the best solution for lazy people who can't think things through.
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Re: How hard is it to whisper back?

by Talryx » Mon Jul 13, 2015 5:50 pm

He's just not that into you
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Re: How hard is it to whisper back?

by Undertanker » Mon Jul 13, 2015 8:27 pm

Lol like texting with a person for 5 min, then "so wanna get some dinner together and then grab a few drinks?".........

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Re: How hard is it to whisper back?

by konked » Mon Jul 13, 2015 11:39 pm

Get WiM or use different chat windows for channnels
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Re: How hard is it to whisper back?

by Plask » Tue Jul 14, 2015 12:51 am

Lotias wrote:You politely whisper this person saying like "Hello, I am dps and would love to come".
From here (not every time, but very often) it can take 5 minutes to get a single reply, or sometimes not even hear ANYTHING back.

Because when you say you're looking for a caster or healer there's 10 rogues with leveling gear whispering you
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Re: How hard is it to whisper back?

by ILikeEggs » Tue Jul 14, 2015 1:05 am

Plask wrote:
Because when you say you're looking for a caster or healer there's 10 rogues with leveling gear whispering you

This is a big one. You get flooded with whispers, half of them from retards who aren't even the right role. Once you find what you need you just don't bother replying to every single person that whispered you, "Sorry we have filled the spot with an appropriately spec'd player. We regret to inform you that we will be unable to offer you an invite to our group, but we encourage you to continue seeking opportunities to group for this activity." because half of them are retards anyway..
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Re: How hard is it to whisper back?

by Plask » Tue Jul 14, 2015 1:06 am

Lotias wrote:Okey guys.. I am just getting so tired of people..

There are SO many times when you see an LFG in world or general, like "LFM <instance> need tank/dps"

You politely whisper this person saying like "Hello, I am dps and would love to come".

I feel kinda guilty, the moment I get whispers from people I usually tab and check their Realmplayers for gear and then I move on. But hey, what to do when 10 Rogues is whispering?
Sidesprang wrote:Defcap is overrated at current state of the game.
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