How to get a troll to stop spawn camping (streamers)

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Re: How to get a troll to stop spawn camping (streamers)

by konked » Mon Jul 13, 2015 11:29 pm

Funny thing is guy thinks he's gonna get special treatment because he a shit twitch streamer

"I am a professional gamer with many years of XP. games I play: CSGO WoW"

LOL nothing about you is professional.
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Re: How to get a troll to stop spawn camping (streamers)

by Snautz » Tue Jul 14, 2015 2:19 am

konked wrote:Funny thing is guy thinks he's gonna get special treatment because he a shit twitch streamer

Me and a buddy streamsniped a guy a while back. The only thing he did to prevent us from ganking him was he changed zones once, yet he still decided to write a ticket. He quickly got an answer and we got told to stop killing him immediatly, the GM then went on to dodge every question I had with regards to the exact rules.
We were a bit dissatisfied with how it went down, so we wrote a ticket to get things cleared up, and we got a hold of another GM who literally wrote "Corpsecamping: Allowed, Ganking Lowbies: Allowed".
So naturally we went back to get this dude who felt entitled to stay gank free on a PvP server, and after our first gank he wrote a new ticket and we got put on a GM watch list, (or atleast that's what the GM wrote to him).

After all these mixed messages, what I ended up with was: You're free to gank anyone as much as you'd like, you just can't target anyone in particular, even if they're dumb enough to show their location on a stream.
But I guess that could turn out to be wrong aswell.

TL;DR - He could actually turn out to get special treatment because he is a streamer.
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Re: How to get a troll to stop spawn camping (streamers)

by Redcap » Tue Jul 14, 2015 5:29 am

Okay, that makes sense. From the server staff point of view, the player that is constantly streaming is advertising the server to prospective players to give it a whirl, and he's doing a positive thing for free. A bunch of people following him and killing him repeatedly wouldn't be good for the stream, and thus not good for the free advertising.

Yet at the same time, we have this server with a well deserved reputation of being absolute hell to level up on due to overpopulation and constant gray killing from both sides. People leveling up to 60 do so under challenging conditions, and literally 'pay their dues' to do so. Above and beyond anything remotely considered Classic.

So a Streamer gets a free pass and misrepresents the leveling experience the new players viewing the stream will REALLY face. I'm left feeling that the whole situation isn't entirely legit.
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Re: How to get a troll to stop spawn camping (streamers)

by Ohr » Tue Jul 14, 2015 6:21 am

I've been streaming various stuff for over 3 years. You don't wanna get camped/sniped/trolled in-game? Put a fucking 10 minute delay. Problem solved. Instead of wasting time of the GM's protecting your poor ass.
The fact that you have 0 followers, your description is full of dank memes and your stream is beyond boring should stop gm's from helping you. No one is watching you, stop streaming or get a delay and get over being ganked constantly, because that's #streamlyfe.
I streamed leveling 1-60 on my hunter. I got so camped that I managed to level a mage to 23 waiting for the campers to go away. I didn't ask for special treatment and neither should you.

Now lets help you get your shit together.
  • Remove the damn Backlight, put a wall behind you, or do something so your face isn't a black blob in a white background.
  • Look at your keybinds. People come to your stream, see the keybinds, laugh and leave. You don't want that. clicking kick and having to press zero for kidney shot is not something people are interested in watching.
  • Remove the KTM and DPS meters. Why are they there? You're leveling alone at lv41. Ads would be better than useless tables with only you on it. Literally, you could put a snickers commercial running instead of KTM and it'd be better.
  • Hide your Chat with you webcam if you want any privacy at all.
Last edited by Ohr on Tue Jul 14, 2015 6:37 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: How to get a troll to stop spawn camping (streamers)

by Xylon666Darkstar » Tue Jul 14, 2015 6:27 am

Keep killing him.
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Re: How to get a troll to stop spawn camping (streamers)

by ILikeEggs » Tue Jul 14, 2015 8:15 am

Is anyone else *EXTREMELY* irritated that this guy literally never stops jumping? Jesus Christ bro you're the reason people make fun of alliance(night elves in particular)..
Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major

Re: How to get a troll to stop spawn camping (streamers)

by Tenderman » Tue Jul 14, 2015 10:12 am

tsunami332 wrote:

This guy had killed me 6-7 times before this from watching me on stream. I got him to stop fairly quickly once I mentioned I was going to file a report.

You just earned yourself another follower. Expect to be ganked whenever you stream. Your attitude is pathetic.
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Re: How to get a troll to stop spawn camping (streamers)

by Zelious » Tue Jul 14, 2015 12:05 pm


you suck dude. It's a pvp server. You got pvp'd

Call the authorities! Lolllololol this post omg..
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Re: How to get a troll to stop spawn camping (streamers)

by Talesavo » Tue Jul 14, 2015 1:46 pm

Ohr wrote:I've been streaming various stuff for over 3 years. You don't wanna get camped/sniped/trolled in-game? Put a fucking 10 minute delay. Problem solved. Instead of wasting time of the GM's protecting your poor ass.

As a fairly popular streamer, that isn't even remotely viable, since you want to interact as much as possible with your chat and even the 15sec delay is somewhat prohibitive as it is in regards to communicating with your chat. That being said, I just accept that I'll be camped and make a game of actually getting away/fighting back, which has provided its own entertainment.

-those fucks at blizzard banned talesavo13. :(
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