IAMSADWARVENS wrote:Alliance has pussies that gank for ranks. (Ungoro crater)
Horde actually fight people their own level.
I have no battleground exposure on my main. Level 38. 650HKs all from world pvp. With that being said, I can vouche that I have never seen an alliance 60 in the contested zones ganking horde my own level. No exaggeration, I have never seen it. However, I will kill horde within 1, 2, 3 levels of me, whatever, as long as they're worth honor. More times than I can count I've witnessed these horde I've killed call 60s to come kill me. The kicker is the fact that I'll engage horde higher level than me, and they too will call 60s to deal with someone a few levels lower than them.
Horde loves to call 60s instead of fighting someone their own level.