Lies on stress test? (not claiming offense, just asking)

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Re: Lies on stress test? (not claiming offense, just asking)

by Voodoom » Sat Feb 28, 2015 4:07 pm

Ancient wrote:
erifornia wrote:I don't see why they'd do a fake stress test. They get no money out of this. Plus the explanations above.

you must be american (:

I lol'd.
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Re: Lies on stress test? (not claiming offense, just asking)

by Liah » Sat Feb 28, 2015 4:12 pm

Nostalrius launch is not going to have .additem command available to everyone like it was available on Kronos Beta. If the Nostalrius happens to get DDoS'd, it's not the same as failing a stress test. Stress testing is different than having DDoS protection.
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Re: Lies on stress test? (not claiming offense, just asking)

by Ancient » Sat Feb 28, 2015 5:07 pm

erifornia wrote:You barely ever see people lie and do some fake advertisement when money isn't involved.
You must be the american one, not understanding shiet about what they said in their video.
They told us these were bots simulating players.

People lie to get what they want, money is one of the things people want thus lie for.
In our case, my dear genius , what they want is server advertisement
go MacDonalds

Re: Lies on stress test? (not claiming offense, just asking)

by Gael1 » Sat Feb 28, 2015 5:14 pm

Retail never had a succesful launch in 10 years get with it .. there is over 2500 people logging in at the sametime lol atleast the server isnt crashing
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Re: Lies on stress test? (not claiming offense, just asking)

by Ganjo » Sat Feb 28, 2015 5:19 pm

its obvious that they did not stress test the login and authentication servers.

Re: Lies on stress test? (not claiming offense, just asking)

by Armagedda » Sat Feb 28, 2015 5:20 pm

Presumably, it's much more demanding for the server to handle 2500+ simultaneous attempts at connecting to the server, than it is to actually handle 2500 people who are already connected and active on the server (bottle neck?).

Unless it's getting straight up DDoS:ed, the server load will lessen in due time. Anyone remember the Warhammer Online release?
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Re: Lies on stress test? (not claiming offense, just asking)

by Locomotron » Sat Feb 28, 2015 5:22 pm

I would like to point out that a bot following a set path is a lot less demanding for the server than a frustrated horde of players trying to cope with sub-10 FPS and with the general chaos associated with a real WPvP encounter.

It is very impressively nonetheless and it's one of the things that made me most excited about participating in this clandestine adventure!

Re: Lies on stress test? (not claiming offense, just asking)

by Epikurous » Sat Feb 28, 2015 5:23 pm

ITT: Eastern Europeans insulting each other by calling each other "American" with broken English.

Re: Lies on stress test? (not claiming offense, just asking)

by Ivina » Sat Feb 28, 2015 5:24 pm

Comon, if there were 2.2k users on the forum, how many player tried to connect to the game? 5k? 10k?
Add some very probable DDOS attack over it.
Even retails servers at launch could not handle this :(
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