An Open Letter From <GRIZZLY>

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Re: An Open Letter From <GRIZZLY>

by kenic » Wed Jul 22, 2015 5:35 am

mike1097 wrote:Textwall is Textwall.
Just read a bit. Just think about that the Devs worked hard on this server and they continue their work. You guys just played the game for fun and don't say you had no fun.
If so you play the wrong game or you're playing the game wrong.
Don't blame the devs for the buggs... it's free and it's great.

If you wanna leave do it... but no need for this textwall because 99% of the server don't care because we are playing this game for ourselves fun and not to competite with others in invisible fights.

How much did you actually read? The very first paragraph of Ak's post (the one in BOLD) says that a high-ranking GM asked for this to be posted.

Re: An Open Letter From <GRIZZLY>

by Kaytie » Wed Jul 22, 2015 5:38 am

mike1097 wrote:Textwall is Textwall.
Just read a bit.

Maybe you shouldn't have posted mike1087. :( They covered everything you just mentioned. I admire your support for the server, but please. If you want to contribute to the thread, take the time to read it. <3

Re: An Open Letter From <GRIZZLY>

by nimpie » Wed Jul 22, 2015 5:41 am

Aspect-less hunter looking for new guild to farm molten core with pst
My name is nimpie. That's my mother's tacky sense of humor. I left home when I was 13 because my stepbrother raped me. So I ended up in a lot of different places and now I live in Boston, working as a stripper

Re: An Open Letter From <GRIZZLY>

by mike1097 » Wed Jul 22, 2015 5:42 am

I just don't get why we should care if they leave?
No offense but does it have an impact for us? I don't think so.
by considering how the grizzly members talk to other people here in the forum I think some people are even happy.

For that I don't have an opinion because I don't know you guys from grizzly. Just wanted to say that the most people wont care.
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Re: An Open Letter From <GRIZZLY>

by Psyfe » Wed Jul 22, 2015 5:44 am

Years of polishing and bugg fixing bros. 100% blizzlike with blizzlike policies. Knowledgeable GMs that have a clue about how retail was. Clearly no GM bias by certain guilds having GMs in them responding to their tickets helping them, while other guilds with the exact same issues got nothing.

These posts sum up my experience with the server pretty well. It had a nice outlook, but it honestly looks like another Feenix with a bigger population.
My posts are being censored on forums due to too much truth :^)

Re: An Open Letter From <GRIZZLY>

by nervous » Wed Jul 22, 2015 5:44 am

mike1097 wrote:I just don't get why we should care if they leave?
No offense but does it have an impact for us? I don't think so.
by considering how the grizzly members talk to other people here in the forum I think some people are even happy.

For that I don't have an opinion because I don't know you guys from grizzly. Just wanted to say that the most people wont care.

You're not in a progression, or even in a raid guild, so of course matters that would concern players of those guilds wouldn't concern you.

This post wasn't made for the dregs of the server, it was intended for the raiders, who deserve to know what's going on.

P.S., the highest GM requested this post, so we obliged xir.

Re: An Open Letter From <GRIZZLY>

by Asha » Wed Jul 22, 2015 5:45 am

mike1097 wrote:I just don't get why we should care if they leave?
No offense but does it have an impact for us? I don't think so.
by considering how the grizzly members talk to other people here in the forum I think some people are even happy.

For that I don't have an opinion because I don't know you guys from grizzly. Just wanted to say that the most people wont care.

Please keep discussion on topic. This is your first warning.
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Re: An Open Letter From <GRIZZLY>

by mike1097 » Wed Jul 22, 2015 5:48 am

As far as I know he requested it as a PM. But does not matter.
Ok if there are players who care I shut up. Just thought that the majority would not care. If I'm wrong I'm sorry.

I wish the best of luck to the grizzly members to find a new home or maybe they stay.
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Re: An Open Letter From <GRIZZLY>

by OGTUCKER117 » Wed Jul 22, 2015 5:48 am

rip grizzly, gone but not forgotten <3

I have probably had more fun on nost than any other pserver ive ever played on but thats because of the population and the players here.

everything in all your post were all very valid points regarding the issues with the server.

my account got stolen yesterday and it looks like they cant help me out, only thing they can do is permaban the account, i really dont understand why you cant just reset your password with the email you signed up with, without having to wait 10 days for the account to not have been logged into. i had 50 days played and now its all gone.
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Re: An Open Letter From <GRIZZLY>

by mike1097 » Wed Jul 22, 2015 5:48 am

Asha wrote:
mike1097 wrote:I just don't get why we should care if they leave?
No offense but does it have an impact for us? I don't think so.
by considering how the grizzly members talk to other people here in the forum I think some people are even happy.

For that I don't have an opinion because I don't know you guys from grizzly. Just wanted to say that the most people wont care.

Please keep discussion on topic. This is your first warning.

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