You f*cked up the quote man, never said that and calling my lawyer.
Otherwise, I still agree with it.
A simple example of that can be found very near.
Theloras wrote:What if I streamed nothing but Reck Bomb 1Shot farming of Hordies at Light's Hope Chapel while I run away from the npc guards under the effects of either Divine Shield or Blessing of Protection/Freedom till they de-agro allowing me to rinse/repeat...
I can 200% affirm than said thing should never been tolerated by any current WoW Devs.
But I can also say : Ridiculous class imbalance, nonsense goldvore respecs for some and no need at all for others, zero casual friendly at 60, super-useless specs that sometimes just force you between reroll, quit or playing a way you don't like, ect...
Some things were "new-game" mistakes and thus "improved" in Blizzard's eyes.
Implementing officials Vanilla servers imo could just be justified for a crave for money.