New WoW Xpac is Vanilla Server CONFIRMED

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Re: New WoW Xpac is Vanilla Server CONFIRMED

by Krom » Wed Jul 29, 2015 11:05 pm

Capture13.PNG (168.15 KiB) Viewed 1466 times

You f*cked up the quote man, never said that and calling my lawyer.

Otherwise, I still agree with it.
A simple example of that can be found very near.

Theloras wrote:What if I streamed nothing but Reck Bomb 1Shot farming of Hordies at Light's Hope Chapel while I run away from the npc guards under the effects of either Divine Shield or Blessing of Protection/Freedom till they de-agro allowing me to rinse/repeat...

I can 200% affirm than said thing should never been tolerated by any current WoW Devs.
But I can also say : Ridiculous class imbalance, nonsense goldvore respecs for some and no need at all for others, zero casual friendly at 60, super-useless specs that sometimes just force you between reroll, quit or playing a way you don't like, ect...
Some things were "new-game" mistakes and thus "improved" in Blizzard's eyes.
Implementing officials Vanilla servers imo could just be justified for a crave for money.
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Re: New WoW Xpac is Vanilla Server CONFIRMED

by Thegrapist » Wed Jul 29, 2015 11:14 pm

Krom wrote:Personally with all the time invested I would just stick with here. Even regardless debugs and content.

this is called battered wife syndrome everyone, learn what it looks like, take steps to avoid it

Re: New WoW Xpac is Vanilla Server CONFIRMED

by Krom » Wed Jul 29, 2015 11:20 pm

Thegrapist wrote:
Krom wrote:Personally with all the time invested I would just stick with here. Even regardless debugs and content.

this is called battered wife syndrome everyone, learn what it looks like, take steps to avoid it

Maybe, yes.
But being a r10 warrior with some nice 800g in pocket, very soon TuF, near to be exalted in all battlegrounds reps, 300 Herborist and 300 Engineering etc ...

I just can't handle rolling one level 1 gnome hobo anywhere anymore :(
(This is also the reason so much people cry here about the current situation and how it would have been better for them to have go on another full content released realm :roll: )
Last edited by Krom on Wed Jul 29, 2015 11:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: New WoW Xpac is Vanilla Server CONFIRMED

by Syphonize » Wed Jul 29, 2015 11:20 pm

While that is certainly something to consider, I can totally see blizzard making changes to vanilla to appeal to the casual crowd (LFD in their vanilla server anyone?). I would be incredibly wary of investing time into their server knowing that something like this could happen!
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Re: New WoW Xpac is Vanilla Server CONFIRMED

by Thegrapist » Wed Jul 29, 2015 11:21 pm

Krom wrote:
Thegrapist wrote:
Krom wrote:Personally with all the time invested I would just stick with here. Even regardless debugs and content.

this is called battered wife syndrome everyone, learn what it looks like, take steps to avoid it

Maybe, yes.
But being a r10 warrior with some nice 800g in pocket, very soon TuF, near to be exalted in all battlegrounds reps, 300 Herborist and 300 Engineering etc ...

I just can't handle rolling one level 1 gnome hobo anywhere anymore :(
(This is also the reason so much people cry here about the current situation and how it would have been better for them to have go on another full content released realm :roll: )
R13 mage with 1K

eat shit, it's just pixels and numbers, only game I'd ever stay onboard with is a JP only PvP centric game

Re: New WoW Xpac is Vanilla Server CONFIRMED

by Krom » Wed Jul 29, 2015 11:23 pm

Thegrapist wrote:it's just pixels and numbers

For you, my dear friend :)
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Re: New WoW Xpac is Vanilla Server CONFIRMED

by Imbaslap » Wed Jul 29, 2015 11:24 pm

I doubt this new "xpac" will have anything legacy in it. it will be another rehash of old content and to kill a boss in some alternate reality AGAIN that was already slain in the current reality that was already released years ago... with all this time warping and jumping shit. I really wish retail wow would just disappear within the shitpile of lore it currently is rehashing.

emerald dream or some shitty murloc/naga class is my guess though to appease to the young generation of casual gamers.
also, inb4 timewarped Naxxramas where Kel'thuzad and Lich king are alive in this new time warped era that was caused by WoD stupid lore shit. or AQ again but timewarped. or maybe killing kil jaeden again in time warp.
just think of every shit boss you killed in previous expansions, and add a "timewarped" suffix to its name. that's wow retail.

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Re: New WoW Xpac is Vanilla Server CONFIRMED

by gotmilk0112 » Wed Jul 29, 2015 11:26 pm

Bioness wrote:Yes it is undeniable that their current came has smoothed out a lot of the rough and jagged adges of old, howeverthe problem isn't necessarily the game itself, but their business model and how it causes people to play a certain way, making the overall experience of the game worse than it was before.

Yeah, retail is a mix of good and bad. I honestly like retail combat mechanics a lot more than vanilla's for the most part, but the game as a whole is just completely different.

On retail, you hit a button and find a group in 5 minutes, and then faceroll through a piss-easy dungeon in 15 minutes with no social interaction at all.

On vanilla, you actually have to talk to people and find a group, then actually travel to a dungeon where there's actually a possibility of wiping.

Retail has just streamlined the game so much to the point where it's way too easy and way too straight-forward. That's what I don't like about it. Nothing poses any kind of challenge except raiding.

But still, I'd kill to have a Vanilla patch but with lots of modern features like dual spec and spells not costing 10% of your mana each.
knotic wrote:wait this is 2015. blizzard didnt do this in 2015. year is non-blizzlike omg omg
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Re: New WoW Xpac is Vanilla Server CONFIRMED

by Finngarh » Wed Jul 29, 2015 11:55 pm

gotmilk0112 wrote:But still, I'd kill to have a Vanilla patch but with lots of modern features like dual spec and spells not costing 10% of your mana each.

Dual spec. It's one of the 2 or 3 things that I really didn't like in Vanilla. Anotherone being the fact that all healer classes are just no good in raids at anything else than healing. Giving only one option of gameplay in HL content, where as the mages or warrior for example have 2 or 3 different ways to play the game HL.

The third one, I don't know xD Would have to think of it.

And especially on private servers with population not necessarily as big as official, being able to dual spec would greatly improve everyone's experience I think. And make healers and tanks way more happy to heal and tanks in raids :b (and allow druids and paladins to tank too, giving more options :D )
But I read once somewhere that the 1.12 patch does not allow the dual spec how it was implemented later in game. :(

Re: New WoW Xpac is Vanilla Server CONFIRMED

by Thegrapist » Thu Jul 30, 2015 1:07 am

Krom wrote:
Thegrapist wrote:it's just pixels and numbers

For you, my dear friend :)

It's because I'm a big guy, frankly between the screaming autists crying "EVERYTHING IS FINE" when the server lags worse than a BR on 56K dial-up, pottu is the easiest triggered human here and somehow has power, content all over the place, an outdated mangos which leads me to believe that they're using the verison they've been running back when nsot was FR only this server only really has numbers going for it


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