Bazinga wrote:Ohr wrote:If they fix bosses casting with 0 mana on them then they can make them linked. On retail vanilla, you drain the shaman so he stops casting and just kite them both at the same time, while you continue to drain shaman and kill king. Nothing too complicated, but since bosses continue casting even when they're at 0 mana it'd be stupidly difficult, rng and annoying. Still possible, though.
so its a bug abuse? why arent all the hunters banned already .. according to the ToU
This has been discussed a million times already and all the devs are aware of splitpulling. Every single group that did tribute (way back when dm was released), would splitpull the boss with a hunter or a rogue or a lock with soulstone. How bout we ban all of them too?
Turdowizz wrote:Fix it and fix maraudon too. Its stupid that you can make such easy money in an instance where you dont even have to worry about world pvp. It ruins the economy and it ruins the game if everyone are just solo in instances. Anyone who thinks it shouldnt be fixed is mad, period.
So you're saying, that if I came here and rolled hunter specifically for the reason that I could solo stuff after being inspired by the retail "Hunter vs World" videos, I made a mistake?
It's not broken, you can't "fix" Maraudon. It's a level 40-something instance, of course a 60 can solo it. You don't even kite in Maraudon as a hunter. Your pet can tank all the bosses.
You should check your jelly meter, think it went through the roof now that you're posting such nonsense.