About to hit 40..

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Re: About to hit 40..

by pootpoot » Thu Aug 13, 2015 4:20 am


Kill these niggas for fire elemental, 5% drop with not alot of contest, bunch them up, and aoe em' if you can. ez pz.

But as a mage myself, I hunted the dark iron dudes, all of em are melee, so bunching + cone + blizzard = greys and cloths + decent exp.

Re: About to hit 40..

by Luciphur » Thu Aug 13, 2015 1:42 pm

The Shortest Path wrote:Deadmines solo runs are pretty much only viable as a paladin or mage, from what I remember. Otherwise they're way too slow because you have no aoe.

I did em on rog with skipping some pulls on retail. Also you can partially solo WC on early levels to get some BiS items. The speed is ok, you skip some which makes it go alot faster. Never tested it on Nost, but I assume due to miners dropping ores, and engie supplies from Foundry crates, it must be even more profitable here.
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Re: About to hit 40..

by adzric » Fri Aug 14, 2015 6:30 am

Don't worry about making the money before you hit 40, I was on 70g at level 40 so I farmed herbs to get the rest of the money.

Now level 46 and I've already made 60g back again - just go questing.

Re: About to hit 40..

by MIKarlsen » Sun Aug 16, 2015 9:22 am

I can wouch for the Swamp of Sorrows route.

Stay on the western third of the map. Farm BOTH spiders and cats. 5-6 hours will NOT give you 50g - that's greatly exaggerated.

My experience is that one hour of farming yields 4-7 gold in sellable greys, and perhaps 1-3 gold in greens.

So between 5 and 10 gold an hour, depending on the competition, your speed and the drops.

Re: About to hit 40..

by AgentMulder » Sat Aug 22, 2015 12:44 am

Around level 38 and 39...how much gold are folks generally finding that they have prior to having to initiate the grind fest? I'm currently a Priest, level 35, and I chose (likely a mistake) Tailoring and Enchanting for my professions. This is my first/only toon. So I haven't been making any money off of BoE green drops because I just DE everything for mats.

My Enchanting skill is over 200 because of this, but I find that I only have about 6g at the end of every odd level...and then the ding hits and I visit my class trainer and dump literally all of my gold into buying new class skills. So I feel that I'm just in this cycle where I'm spending two levels just to recoup back to 6g or so.

I don't mind spending a few hours grinding, but going from 40g to 90g seems a hell of alot better than having to go from 2g to 90g :-/

Re: About to hit 40..

by AMzo » Sat Aug 22, 2015 2:58 am

I have LW at 230, FA at 270, Skinning at 300 and LockPick at like 200. I got my mount at level 45 and didn't skip buying my main spells. I didn't do any special farming, I actually wasted a lot of money doing my professions.

Just quest and chill and you'll get your mount eventually, I know I couldn't stand a 10 hour grind just to get a mount at 40.
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Re: About to hit 40..

by gotmilk0112 » Sat Aug 22, 2015 5:49 am

MIKarlsen wrote:Stay on the western third of the map. Farm BOTH spiders and cats.

The spiders are obnoxious to kill because they constantly root you, which slows your overall farming by a lot. Their greys also don't drop as often, and don't vendor for as much.

I made gold faster by skipping them and only killing the jags.

MIKarlsen wrote:5-6 hours will NOT give you 50g - that's greatly exaggerated.

Well, it's what I got. I farmed for ~2hr total each day for about 3 days, and got about 50g from it. Being that I was level 41 and a Priest, I had no downtime at all, and could just go mob to mob to mob without ever stopping (unless some shithead tried to gank me)
knotic wrote:wait this is 2015. blizzard didnt do this in 2015. year is non-blizzlike omg omg
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