cookiemonster212 wrote:
"Dire Maul
King Gordok can no longer be separated from Cho'Rush the Observer in Dire Maul."
We are in patch 1.5, the fix in retail was in patch 1.9
Because the fix is in 1.9 give us BWL(1.6), ZG(1.7) and AQ(1.9) and then fix as mention above and your problems will be solved. Until then, it won't be "blizzlike" lol
These are quite different: The pet bug was never suppose to be a thing, it was fixed at that date because they didn't deal with up up until that point, whilst gear was added at later days to give people something to strive for.
I don't think this is worth a ban though as it's their fault it's there to begin with.
Moxey wrote:pretty quality game masters here, threatening to ban over screenshots. Blizzlike?
I'm also okay with this. Viper Sting be gone!