How´s PvP on a PvE Server?

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Re: How´s PvP on a PvE Server?

by pinacolata » Mon Aug 24, 2015 9:21 pm

i heard somewhere that hillsbrad world PvP is still a thing in PvE servers back in vanilla. People was there just waiting for somone to flag in and..... the war starts.

Re: How´s PvP on a PvE Server?

by Rizzonico » Mon Aug 24, 2015 11:38 pm

Caarn wrote:It's exactly the same. The real pvp happens in BGs and Arenas. World PvP is just ganking lowbies who are questing or occasional griefing between competing raids trying to zone at the same instance. The truth is the only time there is world pvp on a pvp server is when people are levelling and its usually higher level players trying to feel superior for 1 shotting those lowbies. After players hit level cap its all BG's or random ganking.

Arenas offer the best pvp on the server, even if you're on a pve server.

LOL You don't know what real WPvP is.
Rizzonico, Battlelord of <The Red Dawn> Level 60 Tauren Hunter
R.I.P. Tirion Fordring "Steel your heart and your soul will shine brighter than a thousand suns"
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Re: How´s PvP on a PvE Server?

by Dejekt » Tue Aug 25, 2015 12:45 am

BG's are generally still active, but less people doing them than on a pvp server. There will always be people grinding it though for the gear, just gotta make sure you're not on the side with a population imbalance or there could be big queues.

City raids still happen, but infrequent in my experience. Not many people flag up on their own, and world pvp is very limited.
Vanilla Retail - 60 Human Rogue (Rank 13) 60 Undead Rogue
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Re: How´s PvP on a PvE Server?

by tobor » Tue Aug 25, 2015 12:56 am

Expect to see people tricking enemies into flagging themselves... (walking into AoE with flag on)

Re: How´s PvP on a PvE Server?

by Belisarius » Tue Aug 25, 2015 1:12 am

Caarn wrote:It's exactly the same. The real pvp happens in BGs and Arenas. World PvP is just ganking lowbies who are questing or occasional griefing between competing raids trying to zone at the same instance. The truth is the only time there is world pvp on a pvp server is when people are levelling and its usually higher level players trying to feel superior for 1 shotting those lowbies. After players hit level cap its all BG's or random ganking.

Arenas offer the best pvp on the server, even if you're on a pve server.

Vanilla has no arena combat mate. It's purely BGs, or the STV arena
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Re: How´s PvP on a PvE Server?

by quasimodo » Tue Aug 25, 2015 6:28 am

Belisarius wrote:
Caarn wrote:It's exactly the same. The real pvp happens in BGs and Arenas. World PvP is just ganking lowbies who are questing or occasional griefing between competing raids trying to zone at the same instance. The truth is the only time there is world pvp on a pvp server is when people are levelling and its usually higher level players trying to feel superior for 1 shotting those lowbies. After players hit level cap its all BG's or random ganking.

Arenas offer the best pvp on the server, even if you're on a pve server.

Vanilla has no arena combat mate. It's purely BGs, or the STV arena

What about the arena in Dire Maul? Is that active?

Re: How´s PvP on a PvE Server?

by Xylon666Darkstar » Tue Aug 25, 2015 6:56 am

Think you'll see a lot of carebears and all the backpedaling and keyboard turning your heart desires.
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Re: How´s PvP on a PvE Server?

by yxy » Tue Aug 25, 2015 7:28 am

lol @ people who think pvp will be "the same"
The PvE server is for people who can't take world pvp, so mostly for people who play casually a couple of hours per week or clickers/noobs. There will be a good ambiance for the first couple of weeks and a lot of leveling guilds, but very few serious 60 guilds.
Most people won't tag themselves for pvp and BGs queues will be long and full of unskilled people.
I think leveling on the main server was more of an achievement. Sure I got ganked about 100 times but damn it felt good to hit 60
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Re: How´s PvP on a PvE Server?

by Crom » Tue Aug 25, 2015 7:38 am

Dafuq am I reading in this thread? First of all there is plenty of wPvP at low levels. Just because some random 60 decides to grief people now and then doesn't mean there is no wPvP . Personally I've been having a blast in Ashenvale,Stonetalon, Hillsbrad etc. and I bet my ass it's just as fun in higher level brackets.

On a PvE server THIS would be non-existent as no one will get out of their comfort zone (i.e. flag themselves for PvP) in order to fight, even if they claim so now. It's hard not to give in to the temptation of easy farming/leveling when the option is there, even for a PvPer. Maybe at 60 and maybe if you are really bored out of your mind but generally wPvP will be minimal. BGs will surely be there but to me at least they are not as fun. Still, good PvPers will stay on the PvP server so even if BGs are your thing prepare to queue with all the pleb backpedallers, keyboard turners et al.

One last note on PvP: Sure I am getting ganked and grieved now and then in a pvp environment but hey where is the fun in killing 10 year old scripted monsters over and over? Especially when you've done this to death in the past.

Re: How´s PvP on a PvE Server?

by Tekko » Tue Aug 25, 2015 7:51 am

Lol @ people who think world pvp in WoW is actually a thing to be proud off. It's ganking, that's it.

Horde attack in groups. Attack a Horde group with a group for a fair fight, watch them run.

Crom wrote:and I bet my ass it's just as fun in higher level brackets.

It's only fun when numbers fairly even and so are levels. In level 30+ zones you just see ?? all the time.

It would be good if you could get honour penalised for killing lower players in the open world, but not in cities, because you don't want to stop raids on cities.
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