I never understood this "PvE = carebears" mentality

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Re: I never understood this "PvE = carebears" mentality

by Vethexe » Mon Aug 24, 2015 7:53 pm

Syleynna wrote:
... a lot of fun comes from getting your buddies and getting them back. Or the feeling of ruining someone's night because they can't play the game.

Are you saying you get enjoyment from the feeling of ruining someone's night because they can't play them game?

If you are saying that.. well ..... I'm at a loss as to what has gone wrong with our society that anyone would get enjoyment out of making other people miserable. If you are a parent .. go take your kids toys from them and smash them .. I know you will enjoy ruining your children's night. :roll:

If you aren't and it's just poor sentence structure, then my apologies for misunderstanding.

Nope, you read it right. It's a blast and you should try it sometime. It goes both ways, sometimes i get camped and cannot play the game. Embrace getting camped and not playing the game :)
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Re: I never understood this "PvE = carebears" mentality

by TOVAR » Mon Aug 24, 2015 8:00 pm

warcraftselblatt wrote:Ive always felt the problem with PVE servers is that it kind of ruins the spirit of the game. The whole game is based in a world where two factions are at war. Playing on a server where you can avoid ever having conflict with the opposite faction seems silly to me.

What baffles me the most is why should some PvP-fan even care about what PvE people like to do for their amusement? How can a PvE server possibly ruin YOUR PvP server? Nobody is trying to take your PvP world away from you, they just want to have their own patch under the gaming sun, unmolested. That is what made America back then: have the way of life of your choosing.
PvP in any such game needs an agressive, competitive attitude and that's just fine. Nobody would care to watch a footbal game played with 22 football-balls. Every type of sport you can think of exist because of that said competitivity and that spirit is the whole driving force of any sport. It is impossible to happen that you can watch a pro heavyweight boxing match between Evander Holyfield on one side and your local postman Pat on the other.
The opponents/competitors in sports are just millimeters apart skill-wise. Otherwise it is not fair and not amusing to watch at all.
Agressiveness is the human nature. Remember, we, the human are the only race on this planet to kill other races (and other members of our own race) 'just for the sake of it' , not for feeding ourselves. To prevent that to happen on a large scale and get out of control, in a world we ike to call civilized we make treaties, we make laws, we build prisons for those that are unable to abid the rules of civilized peoplel, we employ police and our own military forces for protection of helples civilians. In virtual worlds, like WoW, those rules do not apply. Under certain limitations, we have anarchy. Killing other players that cannot (or do not know how) defend themselves is not sanctioned (you are 'voluntarily' playng there,so shape up or fall out).
Killing a largely helpless player is not a crime like killing a civilian, even if a PvE person should be considered a sort of civilian, or a 'non-combatant'.
As I said before, fighting between players of similar level/equpiment/skill is just fine in an PvP world. It's challenging, it is fun, it makes you do your best to learn something every single time you are defeated, it makes you a better PVP player, it makes your blood flow faster. If that sort of 'fun' is not of your liking, then you don't belong in a PvP world, you belong in a PvE world. But, alas, if you have no alternative, no choice and are forced to play and 'live' in such a hostile world, then you are essentially living in a cage full of alien people.
The deviant phenomenon of 'Ganking' 'corpse-camping' 'tea-bagging' makes things even much worse for you, the different one who wants nothing more than just to enjoy the game your way. The 'boring' way, the 'lame' way, the 'carebear pussy' way. Milions of people admire and enjoy painting, or music, or any kind of art. Are artists 'rejects'? Are artist 'crybabies'?

And again, why should someone show that high level of hate and disgust versus players with different priorities?
Devs, please PLEASE crank up that PvE server or else...I'll continue to pester the forum with such walls of text you have never seen before! ;)
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Re: I never understood this "PvE = carebears" mentality

by Zaft » Mon Aug 24, 2015 8:03 pm

warcraftselblatt wrote:Ive always felt the problem with PVE servers is that it kind of ruins the spirit of the game. The whole game is based in a world where two factions are at war. Playing on a server where you can avoid ever having conflict with the opposite faction seems silly to me.

That's the great thing about life: People have different opinions and experiences.

I watch these PvP movies and they are awesome and makes me hyped for WPvP (looking at you Vurtne), but how often do I actually go around PvPing outside of BGs? Not very often. I guess I would do it if I was in the process of making a PvP movie, but no too much otherwise. I find BGs to be the most fair fights, and I also get to 1v2 players on a daily basis in there. Plus when I die inside of a BG I don't have to run for miles to get to my body. Heck, when I think about it: AV emulates WPvP quite well (if you don't go for objectives), minus the ganking lower level players and gy run parts.
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Re: I never understood this "PvE = carebears" mentality

by pixel_pathways » Mon Aug 24, 2015 8:19 pm

Pretty sure the whole "pve=carebear" idea comes from when UO got split into two different worlds, one pvp and the other pve. Players were mad because they felt that went against the spirit of the game.

The obvious argument against that is that not everyone wants to be forced into pvp... But if that's how they feel, then they just shouldn't be playing the game. The problem is that PvPers felt they were being unfairly treated in favor of the casual "carebear" players, a mentality that has persisted in MMOs to this day.

Now, in a game where it was designed for world PvP to be a core feature in the first place, I can understand the carebear hate. But in a game like WoW, that had both PvP and PvE servers from the beginning... I just don't understand it.

Re: I never understood this "PvE = carebears" mentality

by TOVAR » Mon Aug 24, 2015 8:46 pm

pixel_pathways wrote:Now, in a game where it was designed for world PvP to be a core feature in the first place, I can understand the carebear hate. But in a game like WoW, that had both PvP and PvE servers from the beginning... I just don't understand it.

The 'world at war' feature in WoW is implemented not in a normal,but in a peculiar way. just one example: do you think possible for ONE alone yankee Union soldier (NOT being Chuck Norris) to wander off and stroll all alone all the way down to New Orleans and take part in the Mardi Gras festivity and peacefully drink a keg of beer in the middle of the main street? In warring countries, soldiers travel in formations, never alone. Platoons, companies, divisions.. And when two enemy formations meet, there is a battle. Not a bunch of Confederate expert marksmen picking off civilians in the middle of Hoboken, New York. On Nostalrius, due to the overcrowding people tend to group up a bit more while doing quests, other than that, we group almost exclusively just for dungeons and raids. in 99% cases out there in Indian Country you meet people tromping around all alone.
“No good deed goes unpunished.” - Oscar Wilde
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Re: I never understood this "PvE = carebears" mentality

by Belisarius » Tue Aug 25, 2015 1:19 am

gotmilk0112 wrote:Really, what's the deal? Not everyone enjoys ganki- I mean world pvp.

Not everyone enjoys being attacked by enemy players while fighting quest mobs, resulting in your death 99% of the time, unless you're a Mage or a Rogue that can easily escape with cc or vanish.

Not everyone enjoys having a 60 ride by and treat you to a 2-4 minute corpse run.

Not everyone enjoys coming back to town to turn in quests, only to find that there's a 60 camping the town and killing everything in sight, npcs included.

Not everyone enjoys trying to go to a dungeon only to be ganked and have to corpse run 1-3 times just to get into the dungeon. (lookin at you, blackrock mountain)

I don't get why not wanting to be ganked makes you a "carebear". If people want to quest/farm in peace without PvP combat, I don't see why that makes them any less of a player.

don't worry mate, the people advocating that it's all fine are usually garbage PvPers bignoting themselves in general chat. I found in STV (on alliance), most that cried down other players who complained about constantly being ganked by horde, are the ones that offer little help towards the faction. Really they're a waste of space. I agree with you, I mean Nostalrius offered one type of server, a PvP server, where you will have losers with no lives and no job, constantly ganking people all day long to create frustration. They have nothing better to do, you can't blame them for being a loser in RL can you, it's just their DNA, that's nature itself?
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Re: I never understood this "PvE = carebears" mentality

by pattyb » Tue Aug 25, 2015 3:16 am

My biggest problem and the main reason I may reroll on the PVE server is because of how populated the server is. I prefer PVP and I've always played on PVP but its so overpopulated that its a huge pain. Sure I'd expect to get ganked once in a while or have some good fights but the PVP is overcrowded, its hard enough fighting with your own faction over quest drops but factor in wPVP and its insane. It's not blizzlike.

I think they need 2 seperate PvP servers...

Re: I never understood this "PvE = carebears" mentality

by Finalflash » Tue Aug 25, 2015 3:30 am

stonetalon pvp god reporting in!

l2p pve scrubbers!!
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Re: I never understood this "PvE = carebears" mentality

by Badtank » Tue Aug 25, 2015 3:44 am

varth wrote:

The element of pvp is still there on pve servers. You can still flag yourself and roam around all of Azeroth, you can attack enemy faction towns, and I would bet more times than not you would be met with some pvp. There are still battlegrounds. The only thing that's being taken away is the ganking of people 50 levels below you. Most of the pvpers complaining about this are just mad because their easy targets are going to dwindle, and the last thing they want is a fair fight.

Oh please, what % of people are flagged for pvp on pve servers? I'll bet its 5% or less. How often are enemy faction towns attacked? Incredibly rarely for the major ones, once a week?

The vast majority of world pvp is between people within 10 levels of each other in STV, TM, Blackrock and such, which to me and many others adds another element to the game that would otherwise be a straight grind fest. You do have a chance against these kind of ganks, and you can add strategy to your leveling such as fighting mobs behind trees/hills/buildings to avoid the eyes of gankers. You add in beg/bow macros to hopefully get the gankers to back off by being nice.

There are positives to a PvE server, ill admit im not a fan of lvl 60's camping lowbies and think its unfair and not good for the game, but that's not the majority of world pvp. I do think that BG's will be more competitive on a pve server because that's the only form of pvp that's available. Focus on that kind of thing when you talk up PvE servers, but don't make up shit about world pvp.[/quote]

But my grey killer boogeyman, you just don't understand its the reason i'm not in a top tier raiding guild!!!!11111!!111! They ruined muh game.
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Re: I never understood this "PvE = carebears" mentality

by komaf » Tue Aug 25, 2015 3:45 am

Saying pve is carebear'ish is a witty way of reversing the reality of how "carebear'ish easy" it is for end gamers and gankers in general to kill people in open pvp - especially while questing.

Real pvp...the thing that war can build from, is when a lot of folks are angry their questgivers/towns, are wrecked. This becomes (or can) larger scale and much more challenging.

In short, any noob can kill a guy at 10%....and get 100% claim for an honor kill - which is like saying one push up should build your upper body. Nonsense...and tgankfully - 1,600 + of us will have a place to go...soon.
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