warcraftselblatt wrote:Ive always felt the problem with PVE servers is that it kind of ruins the spirit of the game. The whole game is based in a world where two factions are at war. Playing on a server where you can avoid ever having conflict with the opposite faction seems silly to me.
What baffles me the most is why should some PvP-fan even care about what PvE people like to do for their amusement? How can a PvE server possibly ruin YOUR PvP server? Nobody is trying to take your PvP world away from you, they just want to have their own patch under the gaming sun, unmolested. That is what made America back then: have the way of life of your choosing.
PvP in any such game needs an agressive, competitive attitude and that's just fine. Nobody would care to watch a footbal game played with 22 football-balls. Every type of sport you can think of exist because of that said competitivity and that spirit is the whole driving force of any sport. It is impossible to happen that you can watch a pro heavyweight boxing match between Evander Holyfield on one side and your local postman Pat on the other.
The opponents/competitors in sports are just millimeters apart skill-wise. Otherwise it is not fair and not amusing to watch at all.
Agressiveness is the human nature. Remember, we, the human are the only race on this planet to kill other races (and other members of our own race) 'just for the sake of it' , not for feeding ourselves. To prevent that to happen on a large scale and get out of control, in a world we ike to call civilized we make treaties, we make laws, we build prisons for those that are unable to abid the rules of civilized peoplel, we employ police and our own military forces for protection of helples civilians. In virtual worlds, like WoW, those rules do not apply. Under certain limitations, we have anarchy. Killing other players that cannot (or do not know how) defend themselves is not sanctioned (you are 'voluntarily' playng there,so shape up or fall out).
Killing a largely helpless player is not a crime like killing a civilian, even if a PvE person should be considered a sort of civilian, or a 'non-combatant'.
As I said before, fighting between players of similar level/equpiment/skill is just fine in an PvP world. It's challenging, it is fun, it makes you do your best to learn something every single time you are defeated, it makes you a better PVP player, it makes your blood flow faster. If that sort of 'fun' is not of your liking, then you don't belong in a PvP world, you belong in a PvE world. But, alas, if you have no alternative, no choice and are forced to play and 'live' in such a hostile world, then you are essentially living in a cage full of alien people.
The deviant phenomenon of 'Ganking' 'corpse-camping' 'tea-bagging' makes things even much worse for you, the different one who wants nothing more than just to enjoy the game your way. The 'boring' way, the 'lame' way, the 'carebear pussy' way. Milions of people admire and enjoy painting, or music, or any kind of art. Are artists 'rejects'? Are artist 'crybabies'?
And again, why should someone show that high level of hate and disgust versus players with different priorities?
Devs, please PLEASE crank up that PvE server or else...I'll continue to pester the forum with such walls of text you have never seen before!