How to prevent Gold sellers in Trade/world

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Re: How to prevent Gold sellers in Trade/world

by kaba » Wed Aug 26, 2015 9:28 pm

When they first added the level requirement it was set to lvl 10. People didn't like it (see this thread for example) and it was, shortly after being added, lowered to 5.
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Re: How to prevent Gold sellers in Trade/world

by kaba » Wed Aug 26, 2015 9:30 pm

shakey wrote:
Valdr wrote:Actually, instead of implementing a heavy-handed system that punishes normal players, maybe just have a single damn person watching chat in the main cities? Its not even like its just a few gold spammers slipping through the cracks, its 24/7 spam from the same characters all day long. It cannot possibly be that hard to find people to GM.

i agree, problem is that us player cant even post a GM ticket when we see a gold seller... since we cant post GM tickets ingame, right? thats really weird when you think about it.. Does that mean no GM's really are on? (WOW if this is true)

You can post tickets under: Stuck -> Still stuck
Kaba, 60, Troll Mage
Tohi, 60, Dwarf Rogue
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Itai, 60, Gnome Warlock (PvE)
Pa, 60, Dwarf Warrior (PvE)
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Re: How to prevent Gold sellers in Trade/world

by Holmes » Wed Aug 26, 2015 9:34 pm

shakey wrote:
Valdr wrote:Actually, instead of implementing a heavy-handed system that punishes normal players, maybe just have a single damn person watching chat in the main cities? Its not even like its just a few gold spammers slipping through the cracks, its 24/7 spam from the same characters all day long. It cannot possibly be that hard to find people to GM.

i agree, problem is that us player cant even post a GM ticket when we see a gold seller... since we cant post GM tickets ingame, right? thats really weird when you think about it.. Does that mean no GM's really are on? (WOW if this is true)

you can report goldsellers by using another ticket category like "stuck".
but its pointless. the gold sellers make a new account and just do it again.
so either everyone would have to report them so they are instantly taken down and not only a few would have to write 100 tickets/day.
or the DEVs would simply scan the chats for them. getting them out of /world and /trade should be much easier than breaking DM tribute :)

still: where do goldseller get their gold from? they must have huge amounts. how? isnt this[breaking an economy?
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Re: How to prevent Gold sellers in Trade/world

by gotmilk0112 » Wed Aug 26, 2015 9:38 pm

Holmes wrote:still: where do goldseller get their gold from? they must have huge amounts. how? isnt this[breaking an economy?

Probably from the same place retail gold sellers get gold from: compromised accounts.

Or just scamming people because they know it's a private server and the person will be completely helpless to do anything.
knotic wrote:wait this is 2015. blizzard didnt do this in 2015. year is non-blizzlike omg omg
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Re: How to prevent Gold sellers in Trade/world

by shakey » Wed Aug 26, 2015 9:39 pm

Holmes wrote:
still: where do goldseller get their gold from? they must have huge amounts. how? isnt this[breaking an economy?

im guessing DM North was lots of it. i guess we should look how many mages are in DM to start with ^^ in instances they are safe from getting spotted atleast

Re: How to prevent Gold sellers in Trade/world

by The Shortest Path » Wed Aug 26, 2015 10:21 pm

Holmes wrote:there are rumors nostalrius is cooperating with the goldsellers, thats why they advertise so freely. and thats why nost does not really require donations and alike. rumors.

Jet fuel can't melt gold beams.
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Re: How to prevent Gold sellers in Trade/world

by Roughrider » Wed Aug 26, 2015 11:47 pm

We'd need GM's that care about the rules, and enforce them constantly to do anything about it. Currently, from my experience after reading the TOS a few times - that's not the case. Sorry if thats a bit of a dig on the Nost dev/community team - but its the truth, and needs some policy attention.

Re: How to prevent Gold sellers in Trade/world

by Hammersplat » Thu Aug 27, 2015 12:04 am

Well this doesn't stop them, but i have this addon and i never see gold selling stuff.
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Re: How to prevent Gold sellers in Trade/world

by Arael » Thu Aug 27, 2015 7:40 am

Censure the sentences containing most common advertise sites.

Like Kronos did with the word "Nostalrius", if you try to write it, the server will prevent you to do it.

It's a start. The bots will try to avoid this block, but you can make it heavier.

Funny how the numbers of bots rises btw.
Last edited by Arael on Thu Aug 27, 2015 9:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: How to prevent Gold sellers in Trade/world

by Crom » Thu Aug 27, 2015 8:32 am

It's definitely an issue but:

1. How are you so certain that they re in fact gold sellers and not just scammers that found a good opportunity to take advantage of people? Have you actually bought off them or know someone that has?

2. Is it honestly that much of a problem? I'd rather have resources allocated to fix more pressing issues like the super annoying server lag during high traffic or some gamebreaking bugs (granted they are few) than expending a person to "guard" the trade chat.

Besides if someone wants to advertise they will do it no matter what measures are taken. A company like Blizz couldn't stop them, what makes you think a small team like this can?


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