shakey wrote:Valdr wrote:Actually, instead of implementing a heavy-handed system that punishes normal players, maybe just have a single damn person watching chat in the main cities? Its not even like its just a few gold spammers slipping through the cracks, its 24/7 spam from the same characters all day long. It cannot possibly be that hard to find people to GM.
i agree, problem is that us player cant even post a GM ticket when we see a gold seller... since we cant post GM tickets ingame, right? thats really weird when you think about it.. Does that mean no GM's really are on? (WOW if this is true)
you can report goldsellers by using another ticket category like "stuck".
but its pointless. the gold sellers make a new account and just do it again.
so either everyone would have to report them so they are instantly taken down and not only a few would have to write 100 tickets/day.
or the DEVs would
simply scan the chats for them. getting them out of /world and /trade should be much easier than breaking DM tribute
still: where do goldseller get their gold from? they must have huge amounts. how? isnt this[breaking an economy?