My opinion on the DM Changes

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Re: My opinion on the DM Changes

by The Shortest Path » Wed Aug 26, 2015 11:20 pm

Datruth wrote:Please do this and stream it, I would love to see you farm that kind of gold.

Nobody really cares. If Hunters soloing DM Tribute runs is Blizzlike, than as far as I'm concerned you can go choke on sixty dicks if you don't like it.
The Shortest Path
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Sergeant Major

Re: My opinion on the DM Changes

by Velja » Wed Aug 26, 2015 11:21 pm

Look scum, ( i bet u are some low lvl scum or lvl 60 scum with no gear and no gold who will proly abandon nost in 1-2 months maybe less ), its all about healers. Healers need 10-15 major mana potions per raid and while hunters were doing DM trib it was great. We give like 12 gold get those potions and start raiding. Now when prices went so high healers will be in deep troubles. But you dont get that. Either u play rogue or u are some retarded arms warrior in PvP. They basicly force me to go alchemy/herb and get Major mana potion recipe. The amount of stupidity coming from ur post reached so high level like prices for mana pots atm.

You didnt criticise. You didnt put any effort in ur post. You just posted some bullshit about some npc that sells mmp for 1 g. Your post is retarded and if your post is retarded that means you are retarded also Sir. Big time.

Re: My opinion on the DM Changes

by Thompz » Thu Aug 27, 2015 1:46 am

"hunters are ruining the economy"

Nice Black Lotus prices, maybe fix the spawn to compensate for the high population or see Black Lotus' start selling for 100g+ each by the time BWL is released.

It's fine that Cho + King are now linked, but the King should not charge the person on his main aggro list, it's made it impossible to even try and solo them both together.
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Re: My opinion on the DM Changes

by Datruth » Thu Aug 27, 2015 4:18 am

Wow, you guys are getting rowdy over this topic, chill.

The Shortest Path wrote:Nobody really cares. If Hunters soloing DM Tribute runs is Blizzlike, than as far as I'm concerned you can go choke on sixty dicks if you don't like it.

You see, the problem is this is 10 year old content and the average player knowledge and skills has evolved ALOT over those 10 years. So there are some decisions this staff has to make in order to save the economy, that blizzard didn't have to make back in the days.
And don't give me that "Blizzlike" BS, in the grand scheme of things this is a very minor change with a major impact on the economy. Besides, I can mention a shit ton of ridiculously retarded stuff blizzard left in the game for a long time before fixing it, Blizzard is by no means perfect.

Velja wrote:Look scum, ( i bet u are some low lvl scum or lvl 60 scum with no gear and no gold who will proly abandon nost in 1-2 months maybe less ), its all about healers. Healers need 10-15 major mana potions per raid and while hunters were doing DM trib it was great. We give like 12 gold get those potions and start raiding. Now when prices went so high healers will be in deep troubles. But you dont get that. Either u play rogue or u are some retarded arms warrior in PvP. They basicly force me to go alchemy/herb and get Major mana potion recipe. The amount of stupidity coming from ur post reached so high level like prices for mana pots atm.

You didnt criticise. You didnt put any effort in ur post. You just posted some bullshit about some npc that sells mmp for 1 g. Your post is retarded and if your post is retarded that means you are retarded also Sir. Big time.

How can you call someone retarded when you write like a mad 12 year old who just got grounded by his mom?
I do happen to be raiding on a priest, and I rarely pop more than 2 major healing pots in MC, and never more than 3. So you're either ridiculously bad at mana managing or your co-healers suck, and if you can't manage to farm that amount of gold then good luck getting into any top guild that requires flasks once BWL progression starts. Hunters killed the major mana potions market, which from a healer perspective was alright, but in the bigger picture they were wrecking the economy.
For dreamfoil is around 65s each and icecap around 25, a major mana pot is 3 dreamfoil and 2 icecaps, which means it costs around 2,5g each/12,5g per stack to make. How is it unreasonable to charge 3g/15g for that?

Btw I didn't say anything about NPCs selling major mana pots for 1g each? If those existed I'm sure you wouldn't be raging on the forums right now.
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Stone Guard

Re: My opinion on the DM Changes

by gotmilk0112 » Thu Aug 27, 2015 5:11 am

Doesn't matter much. Hunters will just go back to soloing mara. It's less gold than tribute farming, but still around 40-60g per hour, I hear.
knotic wrote:wait this is 2015. blizzard didnt do this in 2015. year is non-blizzlike omg omg
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Stone Guard

Re: My opinion on the DM Changes

by Chillout » Thu Aug 27, 2015 5:16 am

So I hear mage is the next FOTM?
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Re: My opinion on the DM Changes

by huntards » Thu Aug 27, 2015 5:50 am

Datruth wrote:Wow, you guys are getting rowdy over this topic, chill.

The Shortest Path wrote:Nobody really cares. If Hunters soloing DM Tribute runs is Blizzlike, than as far as I'm concerned you can go choke on sixty dicks if you don't like it.

You see, the problem is this is 10 year old content and the average player knowledge and skills has evolved ALOT over those 10 years. So there are some decisions this staff has to make in order to save the economy, that blizzard didn't have to make back in the days.
And don't give me that "Blizzlike" BS, in the grand scheme of things this is a very minor change with a major impact on the economy. Besides, I can mention a shit ton of ridiculously retarded stuff blizzard left in the game for a long time before fixing it, Blizzard is by no means perfect.

Velja wrote:Look scum, ( i bet u are some low lvl scum or lvl 60 scum with no gear and no gold who will proly abandon nost in 1-2 months maybe less ), its all about healers. Healers need 10-15 major mana potions per raid and while hunters were doing DM trib it was great. We give like 12 gold get those potions and start raiding. Now when prices went so high healers will be in deep troubles. But you dont get that. Either u play rogue or u are some retarded arms warrior in PvP. They basicly force me to go alchemy/herb and get Major mana potion recipe. The amount of stupidity coming from ur post reached so high level like prices for mana pots atm.

You didnt criticise. You didnt put any effort in ur post. You just posted some bullshit about some npc that sells mmp for 1 g. Your post is retarded and if your post is retarded that means you are retarded also Sir. Big time.

How can you call someone retarded when you write like a mad 12 year old who just got grounded by his mom?
I do happen to be raiding on a priest, and I rarely pop more than 2 major healing pots in MC, and never more than 3. So you're either ridiculously bad at mana managing or your co-healers suck, and if you can't manage to farm that amount of gold then good luck getting into any top guild that requires flasks once BWL progression starts. Hunters killed the major mana potions market, which from a healer perspective was alright, but in the bigger picture they were wrecking the economy.
For dreamfoil is around 65s each and icecap around 25, a major mana pot is 3 dreamfoil and 2 icecaps, which means it costs around 2,5g each/12,5g per stack to make. How is it unreasonable to charge 3g/15g for that?

Btw I didn't say anything about NPCs selling major mana pots for 1g each? If those existed I'm sure you wouldn't be raging on the forums right now.

Yawn, just wait till BWL that will force you pop tons of major mana potions and flasks so. You're an idiot they told us that this server is blizzlike and yet this is non-blizzlike shit right there. i don't care if major mana pots was extremely low price, and you just cry at that because you can't make good profits off that. Time to reroll mage or hunter, otherwise shut up. Whole all of this crap was caused BY ONLY YOU AND REST OF CRYBABIES that ruining MMORG games! Look at what crybabies did to blizzard and their world of warcraft, that right you destroyed this beautiful game, time for you and all of those crybabies to grow balls and find a way to make effective method farming. Major mana pots market ruined my ass! Look at major health pots and their price are fine and no problem, why not those major mana pots should have same price and for your information we use major health pots more than this major mana potions and you and those crybabies love to remove fun and overprice any items like biggest asshole in the world that should be permament banned and fuck off.

This game is only for hardcore gamers and not for casual piece of shit like you.

You want easy games? Go play some fucking mobile games and spend with your real money because nobody give a shit.


Re: My opinion on the DM Changes

by Chevejo » Thu Aug 27, 2015 6:22 am

Are these changes to DM live? Where can I find the Dev's announcement?
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Re: My opinion on the DM Changes

by Killstick » Thu Aug 27, 2015 7:37 am

Böw wrote:you don't seem to understand that people are mad because we were basically printing money. the gold we got for vendoring literally came from nowhere.

I'm not taking any side in this but let me just point out:

1) As a hunter you can make by far the most money of any class by farming DM N. And its a steady income. You have alot of money so you afford to buy items a bit higher price instead of waiting for an oppertunity. So even though you get your money from the NPC's you are driving up the AH prizes because you can farm an unhealthy amount of gold.

2) If I understood correctly you get mana pots fairly easy. You put those on AH at a lower price than people crafting them because well you get them easy and why risk losing your deposit? So while you up the price of the things you want to buy you undermine the prices of the things you loot from the tribute. And still you make alot of money on that, because the server is overpopulated and you are actually making more from pots than some alchemists are.

Also please tell me where this magic warrior spot is? It's the elementals you don't want to farm because half the server is farming them? As a warrior i can see myself making 50 G max. Thats counting i get lucky on some mining/herb nodes where I am farming. But ofc there are a couple of people running around just looking for herbs/veins at any given time.

So hunters, I'm ok with you making this money. I wouldn't want to play your class for all the gold in WoW. WTF do you even buy with that much gold? More mounts > go retail. Raid gear > hunters in vanilla raids = tranq shot and nr 20 @ DPS? PvP gear > can't need rank for that. So unless you farm it for an alt I just don't get. Ofc i would prefer everybody to be on the same level. But like i said in the end I as a warrior can PvP, PvE tank numero 1, PvE DPS numero 1,... Hunters can solo kill some ogre.
But even if the devs don't change it, just acknowledge and see the fact at how this is effecting the economy of the server.

Also for the whole "Blizzlike" stuff. I'm pretty sure if you had given Blizzard the time they too would have tweeked some stuff in Vanilla. I don't think a lot of hunters did this farm in Vanilla so it just stayed under the radar. You can never make a server "Blizzlike" because it's 2015 and we know soooo much about this game now. And there is soooo many people playing here. When Vanilla came out Blizzard wasn't expecting this kind of succes. So alot of fixes/unbalanced stuff/bugs went unnoticed/unfixed. So will small changes make the Vanilla feeling go away? No. But ofcourse when you are on top of the foodchain you don't want to come down. As far as i know farming DM N/E wasn't mainstream in Vanilla. So i doubt you need it to get them vanilla feels.

Atleast we can enjoy all those hunters with Treant's Bane. Never has it been easier to pick out a scrub.

TL;DR: Admins can do what they want for me. Leave it or fix it. But just don't fucking lie to yourself or others about the impact on the economy and that you only do this for the Blizzlike feels.
Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major

Re: My opinion on the DM Changes

by Böw » Thu Aug 27, 2015 7:40 am

I don't think you understood my post
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