Lost all credibility - DUPING - HACKING - XP ADVANTAGES

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Re: Lost all credibility - DUPING - HACKING - XP ADVANTAGES

by Longdong » Sun Mar 01, 2015 6:09 pm

Hilarious damage control guys. Sadly your delusion don't change about what's happening right now.

Re: Lost all credibility - DUPING - HACKING - XP ADVANTAGES

by Dessel » Sun Mar 01, 2015 6:16 pm

Is this Athairne's tactic this time?
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Senior Sergeant

Re: Lost all credibility - DUPING - HACKING - XP ADVANTAGES

by Ycbshadow » Sun Mar 01, 2015 6:19 pm

Now this guy is projecting his delusions lol.
So this person mistakes a trick to make it look like someone has gold when they don't (which is not a big deal) with gold duping (which would be a big deal) -- and then when he gets corrected, calls it "hilarious damage control"

Okay guy
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Re: Lost all credibility - DUPING - HACKING - XP ADVANTAGES

by Electric Wizard » Sun Mar 01, 2015 6:25 pm

Longdong wrote:You can dupe gold. You can dupe everything.

People are already running around with impressive amount of gold. The economy and global balance is already ruined 48 hours after the server release.




Around 5:00 - 5:30 and more.

See, instead of acknowledging the problem and wiping the server, because there was an unfair advantage in XP for the ones that could play during the first five hours anyway, meanwhile you're stuck in the starting zones with 300 other players and 300 ManGos bots, and now gold duping, they will just let that shit sink and it will get progressively worse and worse.

RIP Nostalrius. Close the server for one or two days, fix the exploits, fix the duping, wipe the server and then re-release because there's no way in hell shit not gonna hit the fan.

logout neckbeard
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Electric Wizard

Re: Lost all credibility - DUPING - HACKING - XP ADVANTAGES

by mrmr » Sun Mar 01, 2015 6:38 pm

I would like to see any of you posting such "lua fake exploit".
...or actually show that to me...and accept the trade at the end....

Any volunteer?

You seem all certain that's the "lua fake exploit"...you must also be able to reproduce that, right?
Or it's a "lua fake exploit" and noone is able to do that?

Really curious...
I'm not root of myself.
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