Spiri wrote:DrearyYew wrote:Druids: Versatile, but have by miles the weakest scaling in the game respective to other healers. This won't be a problem through leveling and into MC progression, but later progression they will really fall off and become good old innervate bots.
BEHOLD THE WEAK DRUID HEALING LATE GAME. http://realmplayers.com/RaidStats/Ranki ... &realm=All
AQ stats : http://realmplayers.com/RaidStats/Ranki ... &realm=All - more druids then shamans... innervate boting obviously
Also i found a good old raidstats of me healing in blw http://realmplayers.com/RaidStats/Fight ... t=15182238 1.4k raw heal per second on vael... such weak heal.. so innervate bot...
Most of the druids on nostalrius cant heal... and using wrong spec, while thinking they are using the correct one(thats another story). Just be good and u can top meters with every healer in the end of the raid..... just....be...good....DAMN IT!
Can i call your advice useles now ?
Have you looked up the healing power coefficients for druid spells compared to priest/paladin spells? I'm going to take that as a no