I'm done

Discussion forum related to PVP Server.

Re: I'm done

by eunuck1 » Wed Mar 04, 2015 10:54 am

Bad luck m8! Im currently 16 and ive experienced 1 bug, and that is murkdeep. I expected some issues at start but hell, this launch have been better than ALL of blizzards own, this was a F*****G fun launch. even plagued lands work, I've never played on a server that had that quest fixed on launch, not even rebirth had it working at first
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Re: I'm done

by Uro » Wed Mar 04, 2015 10:59 am

tried to /delete porn.files?
Moo.. Moo.. Moo.. Swoop Hits me... so Hard.. makes.. me..feel.. Not so good..
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Re: I'm done

by Krusher » Wed Mar 04, 2015 11:01 am

Hi Tomerant,

like I mentioned in the PM.
most of the times when people are disconnected within a minute over and over again they are using a modified version of the WOW client.
al be it, a language pack, other language version,
addons etc, modifications in lighting, graphic quality or anything.

until you can let us know you use a FULL clean version of wow without addons and modifications and still get this issue we can dive deeper into this.

what might work on retail might not work on a private server.
what might have worked on other private servers might not work here.
Stone Guard
Stone Guard


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