Where is the challenge?

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Re: Where is the challenge?

by riq and snog » Tue Sep 15, 2015 4:25 am

Baron Geddon gave me some weird debuf, pls dispell!
Lagg, blink, boom, Silence!
Ok guise i guess i pay for the alcohol next time we meet Irl!
Back then all strat and abilities of bosses had to be figured out, talents where scattered all over the place and the Word Addon didnt exsist.
By todays Standards 10 year old content is easy, even naxx and aq as it requieres only gear and consumables. The boss guides are all out there! The Addons do all the work!
Getting a active 40 man rooster all geared up for progression is considerably tough still:-)
riq and snog
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Re: Where is the challenge?

by gotmilk0112 » Tue Sep 15, 2015 4:28 am

sidesprang wrote:its not harder than retail wtf....

Last I checked:

-you can't be in full greens and pull 15 quest mobs then effortlessly aoe them down, in vanilla.
-you can't spam 20 minute dungeons and be full preraid BIS in 3 days, in vanilla.
-there's no "retard mode" raid difficulty, in vanilla.
-you can't wreck quest mobs in healing specs, in vanilla.
-you don't have infinite mana, in vanilla
-you can't get raid-level epics from questing, in vanilla
-you don't get free raid epics from actual raids, handed to you completely for free every 2 weeks, in vanilla


Retail is insanely easy compared to vanilla, in so many aspects.
knotic wrote:wait this is 2015. blizzard didnt do this in 2015. year is non-blizzlike omg omg
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Stone Guard

Re: Where is the challenge?

by Robotron » Tue Sep 15, 2015 4:36 am

Bleeding edge retail has been harder than Vanilla since TBC. The game is much easier and more casual on most levels, but not at the highest.
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Re: Where is the challenge?

by MrDiap » Tue Sep 15, 2015 5:12 am

Ever heard of ironman challenge? (pvp kills doesn't count)

Re: Where is the challenge?

by sidesprang » Tue Sep 15, 2015 5:55 am

gotmilk0112 wrote:
sidesprang wrote:its not harder than retail wtf....

Last I checked:

-you can't be in full greens and pull 15 quest mobs then effortlessly aoe them down, in vanilla.
-you can't spam 20 minute dungeons and be full preraid BIS in 3 days, in vanilla.
-there's no "retard mode" raid difficulty, in vanilla.
-you can't wreck quest mobs in healing specs, in vanilla.
-you don't have infinite mana, in vanilla
-you can't get raid-level epics from questing, in vanilla
-you don't get free raid epics from actual raids, handed to you completely for free every 2 weeks, in vanilla


Retail is insanely easy compared to vanilla, in so many aspects.

Except the one aspect that really matters when you want to compare difficulty. And the retard mode difficulty is pretty much all you got in vanilla FYI.
Team Plague - Sidesprang (Warrior)
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Re: Where is the challenge?

by justclassic » Tue Sep 15, 2015 6:30 am

I Made a post about this long ago , but people didnt like it

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Re: Where is the challenge?

by Rucifel » Tue Sep 15, 2015 7:27 am

The content is easier than heroic (pre-WoD) / mythic from retail. But yeah, there's a difficulty in getting 39 other people together to raid. Getting 39 other people on the same page for tactics, buffed, on voice chat, etc. As I remember it, AQ and Naxx were legitimately difficult as well.

The game world in general is also much less casual, as I'm sure you noticed while leveling.

Re: Where is the challenge?

by Niko » Tue Sep 15, 2015 7:39 am

Vanilla was never really that hard, it was more of a rough patch in terms of leveling and grinding money.
It wasn't for the casual counter-strike players who wanted instant gratification or perhaps, todays retail gamers.

.. or even the league of legends kiDDos GeN
Last edited by Pottu on Fri Oct 30, 2015 5:31 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Where is the challenge?

by Talzia » Tue Sep 15, 2015 7:39 am

MC really hasn't ever been very challenging, it's not a good example of vanilla content at any rate. It would be a poor thing to gauge anything based on MC. I really doubt anyone who has ever said vanilla is hard was even talking about MC.

I think the PTR already shows that - from what I have heard, there were full clearing MC guilds who were unable to kill Razorgore there.

It's way premature to buff mobs HP or do any kind of adjustment that is not blizzlike. I doubt it will even be necessary in any way.

To be honest, people who say current content in wow is harder... maybe in some ways but not in others. Current content in WoD as far as I played it (Had done Mythic HM and done some Mythic BRF prior to quitting in February) was just more movement, less abilities. Actually playing your class was simplistic to the point of boredom, and the only 'difficulty' in fights was movement based. It was like that in Cata as well. I didn't play MoP so who knows there. I'm also not saying that vanilla is the pinnacle of class difficulty either, but it does feel a lot less homogenized.

The main idea/draw/difficulty of vanilla is gathering 40 potatos and getting them to all do the same thing at the same time, correctly. Always has been, always will be. MMORPGs aren't really about personal difficulty to just you yourself, it's also about the people around you.
Last edited by Talzia on Tue Sep 15, 2015 7:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Where is the challenge?

by Mryul » Tue Sep 15, 2015 7:40 am

you've only done ony and mc?


report back when you've cleared bwl and aq

you probably wont

but yes ony and mc is easy
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