The Locations of Every Ooze Covered Thorium Vein in Silithus

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Re: The Locations of every Ooze Covered Thorium Vein in Sili

by Datruth » Wed Sep 16, 2015 4:20 pm

"About 5 accounts have been banned for exploiting this bug, that is fixed now."
Nice waste of time on that guide OP. You're free to be as industrial as you want now.
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Re: The Locations of every Ooze Covered Thorium Vein in Sili

by snubben » Wed Sep 16, 2015 4:39 pm

say industrial level one more time
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Re: The Locations of every Ooze Covered Thorium Vein in Sili

by Pugger » Wed Sep 16, 2015 4:40 pm

Don't do quote pyramids.
Last edited by Pottu on Wed Sep 16, 2015 4:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Removed quote pyramid
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Re: The Locations of every Ooze Covered Thorium Vein in Sili

by Pugger » Wed Sep 16, 2015 4:58 pm

not a quote pyramid

original post deleted

just information for all

RIPPAHREKT wrote:They even deleted my post on general discussion, and i think we all know why, its pretty sure that they felt bad about the things ive said becuz they are mostly true and they just delete(hide) the post from last night because it will outrageout the people when they see it. well here it is again.

I ll quote some comments from wowhead retail to prove that silithus nodes are not an abusing and try to change the admins mind.

1st comment: Qinella on 2008/12/06 (Patch 3.0.3)
I ran the circuit in Silithus and can confirm it is a great place to farm thorium. Just run through the three major hive areas in the zone. There are about 3-5 hives per area, varying in size. If you are high enough level, just run right through and don't fight anything unless you have to in order to mine. The mobs there have a short leash and will snap back after a few seconds if you just run away. I'd say on average I got about 3-4 stacks per circuit if no one else was in zone. You can also find regular thorium veins if you run along the zone border as you go to each major hive area.

2nd comment: By snailaim (154 – 1·0) on 2006/11/09 (Patch 1.12.2)
I actually make a good amount of money farming these on my rogue... make the stone and thorium, and sell thorium shells, then if I get an arcane crystal I get it made into a bar and make it into a converter, then sell that as well.

3rd comment By zuiko (6,817 – 1·9·53) on 2007/12/29 (Patch 2.3.0)
I think this is the best place to farm for thorium on a rogue. There are lots of rich nodes, very little competition, and plenty of small ones scattered around as well.

If you run into any of these nodes in a room with Hive Zora Wasps in it, leave it alone unless you have a death wish. They are all linked, so if you aggro one, you aggro all five of them (they always seem to be in groups of 5+) and their poison quickly stacks up 10 times. Hive Zora is the nest on the West side of the zone.
Last edited by zuiko on 2007/12/

4th comment: By Norswimmer (127 – 0) on 2009/02/14 (Patch 3.0.9)
Doublewire's comment is fail. I am actively farming these in Silithus in each of the 3 hives and the most I have found is 2 per. "5 veins to a major hive" LOL That would mean that at any given time, there are 15 veins sitting in Silithus waiting to be mined, ALL AT ONCE!
btw I am the only person in Silithus atm. Including Allies.

Blizzard changed the nodes with small ones on patch 4.0.1 in the late 2011 there is the last comment that i will post to prove it.

By noles (960 – 4·27) on 2011/05/23 (Patch 4.1.0)
It seems that Blizzard has taken these nodes out of the game and replaced them with small and rich thorium veins. I just took a trip to Silithus to farm them to level an alt's engineering and was surprised to see no ooze-covered veins at all. While I am not 100% sure of this as I did not take the time to travel to each hive, Hive Ashi in the north held only a few small veins. You are probably better off going to Un'Goro Crater to farm thorium. Feel free to check it out as I did not confirm this, but you may be disappointed by what you find out.

All the comments are copyied from here ... n#comments . i really hope that you change ur mind about those bans just do it for the people dont be that mean to the players we just want to enojoy the vanilla.

Rippah out.
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Re: The Locations of every Ooze Covered Thorium Vein in Sili

by Armilus » Wed Sep 16, 2015 8:47 pm

Bluefear wrote:Disclaimer: This guide was written from a Rogue perspective, but many of these nodes are soloable for other classes, such as frost mages, just not on an industrial level

Hey rogues, just writing a quick guide on how to farm Arcane Crystals on an industrial level. All of these nodes are on a 45 minute respawn timer, and have been since the release of this server.

I can personally solo elites as combat in T1 gear with about 4k hp. You might want to spec into hemo if you truly want to farm on an industrial level

The Worker/Scarab looking bugs are all passive, even though some are flagged as aggressive. They will not attack you.


Bluefear wrote:I can personally solo elites as combat in T1 gear with about 4k hp. You might want to spec into hemo if you truly want to farm on an industrial level

The Worker/Scarab looking bugs are all passive, even though some are flagged as aggressive. They will not attack you.

There, in quadrant 7

Bluefear wrote:The Worker/Scarab looking bugs are all passive, even though some are flagged as aggressive. They will not attack you.

Perfect, clean that up.

Bluefear wrote:Worker/Scarab bugs are all passive, even though flagged as aggressive. They will not attack you.

Clearly this is not a bug. I mean, there's all kinds of mobs that are flagged as aggressive but don't attack you while leveling and it's not weird or unintended in any way. How were you supposed to know that red means it will attack you, yellow means it will ignore you but you can attack it and green means you can't attack it? It's not like that's how the game works from level 1-60 or anything.

Edit: Hey guys, I just realized that nothing in DM North will attack you, you can just run right past all of them and the tribute chest is already spawned! Surely this is not a bug and does not need to be reported. I'll just tell a couple of my friends and we'll fill our bags with gold. OMFG I GOT BANNED FOR NO REASON THIS SERVER IS TERRIBLE DIAFIAMTHEVICTIMREALLYISWEAR
Cadmus - Priest, Nostalrius Begins PvP
Stabsington - Rogue, Nostalrius Begins PvP
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Re: The Locations of every Ooze Covered Thorium Vein in Sili

by notgunnahappen » Wed Sep 16, 2015 9:01 pm

^ holy shit fucking owned. I love how these banned rogues forgot to mention they've been avoiding bugged mobs this whole time LOL
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Sergeant Major

Re: The Locations of every Ooze Covered Thorium Vein in Sili

by Bluefear » Wed Sep 16, 2015 9:28 pm

The bug is that they should all be tagged as passive, but should attack if you engage nearby silithids. I honestly hadn't thought of that as the bug though, since it is so easy to work around even if they were hostile. I don't think anyone knows what the actual bug was that got fixed.

I honestly never even bothered to look this up until now, cus I just chalked the whole "passive/agressive" silithid thing as Vanilla Silithus being a half-assed zone when originally designed by Blizzard
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Re: The Locations of every Ooze Covered Thorium Vein in Sili

by PriestInOurTime » Wed Sep 16, 2015 9:45 pm

There is no way (or at least I hope that) that the bug they are banned for abusing was non-attacking red mobs.

Firstly mobs randomly change their color on this server for example after mind control. I.e not trustworthy.

Second, the bug would seem to be that they are shown as red. Not that they do not attack. They are "workers" after all. It would seem obvious that they are intended to be passive.
Pristine realms... Industrial levels of stupidity.
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Re: The Locations of every Ooze Covered Thorium Vein in Sili

by SloppyBeaver » Wed Sep 16, 2015 10:32 pm

Can anyone clear this up? So is it bannable to Mine veins that spawn on a 45 min timer on the sec it spawns or is it because people were avoiding elites that were bugged??
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Re: The Locations of every Ooze Covered Thorium Vein in Sili

by Datruth » Wed Sep 16, 2015 10:43 pm

PriestInOurTime wrote:There is no way (or at least I hope that) that the bug they are banned for abusing was non-attacking red mobs.

Firstly mobs randomly change their color on this server for example after mind control. I.e not trustworthy.

Second, the bug would seem to be that they are shown as red. Not that they do not attack. They are "workers" after all. It would seem obvious that they are intended to be passive.

Mobs don't randomly change colour. Yes they can bug out and turn yellow for a little while if you mindcontrol them, but that is the only situation where it may happen, besides those mobs near the veins aren't even humanoids, so your point is invalid.
SloppyBeaver wrote:Can anyone clear this up? So is it bannable to Mine veins that spawn on a 45 min timer on the sec it spawns or is it because people were avoiding elites that were bugged??

I cba to pull out the quotes for you, but whatever the bug was it's fixed. According to GMs it wasn't the timers.
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