<Rampage> #1 NA guild on Nost, both factions?!

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Re: <Rampage> #1 NA guild on Nost, both factions?!

by varth » Sat Sep 19, 2015 12:23 am

Lol, and BWL is easy as hell too so your point is invalid. The first BWL kills will be whoever actually raids BWL Saturday night and puts in some solid time, because BWL is face roll content due to the gear and strat knowledge of today.
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Re: <Rampage> #1 NA guild on Nost, both factions?!

by Datruth » Sat Sep 19, 2015 12:27 am

varth wrote:Lol, and BWL is easy as hell too so your point is invalid. And the first BWL kills will be whoever actually raids BWL first because its that easy.

I know it's easy, but the best guilds are still gonna be better at easy content aswell. Are you implying Convulsion(I'm assuming you're Varth from that guild) suddenly becomes a top guild when AQ arrives? :D
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Re: <Rampage> #1 NA guild on Nost, both factions?!

by varth » Sat Sep 19, 2015 12:46 am

Convulsion won't be a top guild because we don't take raiding seriously whatsoever which is one of the main reasons I enjoy the guild. What i'm saying is that it's silly to try to rank guilds because the only thing that matters is who can clear content, which at this time is everyone. Even the "worst" guild in your rankings kills the same bosses, and has access to the same loot as the #1.
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Re: <Rampage> #1 NA guild on Nost, both factions?!

by Datruth » Sat Sep 19, 2015 1:01 am

varth wrote:Convulsion won't be a top guild because we don't take raiding seriously whatsoever which is one of the main reasons I enjoy the guild. What i'm saying is that it's silly to try to rank guilds because the only thing that matters is who can clear content, which at this time is everyone. Even the "worst" guild in your rankings kills the same bosses, and has access to the same loot as the #1.

So you don't think a guild that clears MC in about an hour with a minimal amount of deaths is gonna be better in AQ than a guild who does the exact same content but uses almost double the amount of time and got double the amount of deaths on average? Sure the ranking is by no means 100% accurate for numerous reasons, but it still gives a decent overview.
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Re: <Rampage> #1 NA guild on Nost, both factions?!

by Robotron » Sat Sep 19, 2015 1:23 am

What Varth is saying is guild skill levels will mean little in terms of overall amount of loot received until late AQ/Naxx because until then, the content is easy enough that most guilds will have it down within a week or two of release. Obviously, Dreamstate is going to kill Nef before most of us do, but in most cases, they'll have at most one lockout on a couple of bosses over other guilds.
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Re: <Rampage> #1 NA guild on Nost, both factions?!

by Aklol » Sat Sep 19, 2015 1:54 am

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Re: <Rampage> #1 NA guild on Nost, both factions?!

by Badtank » Sat Sep 19, 2015 2:21 am

Datruth wrote:
varth wrote:I blame no one giving a shit because it's MC. Until aq40 there's no way to know what guilds are best due to face roll content.

The guilds with the fastest MC times will be the same guilds that gets BWL down first aswell. The Instance being easy just means you should be able to do it faster, so your point is invalid.

If BWL was hard as well you might have a point. The guilds that down AQ40 the fastest will be the actual top guilds.
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Re: <Rampage> #1 NA guild on Nost, both factions?!

by Datruth » Sat Sep 19, 2015 2:39 am

Robotron wrote:What Varth is saying is guild skill levels will mean little in terms of overall amount of loot received until late AQ/Naxx because until then, the content is easy enough that most guilds will have it down within a week or two of release. Obviously, Dreamstate is going to kill Nef before most of us do, but in most cases, they'll have at most one lockout on a couple of bosses over other guilds.

What Varth was saying is that we can't see who the best guilds are untill AQ arrives due to people not giving a fuck, and I mentioned why it's obvious to me "a guild that clears MC in about an hour with a minimal amount of deaths is gonna be better in AQ than a guild who does the exact same content but uses almost double the amount of time and got double the amount of deaths on average" regardless of "how many fucks people give" Loot wasn't even mentioned once.
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Re: <Rampage> #1 NA guild on Nost, both factions?!

by Robotron » Sat Sep 19, 2015 3:00 am

Ah, I see what you mean. Overall performance in MC certainly is indicative of a guild's skill level. Clear times are not be-all-end-all, however, as at this point the top clear times are reliant on very heavy consumable and world buff usage. Some guilds do that, and others don't.

BWL will help determine who the better guilds are, but yeah, we won't get a very clear indication until late AQ and beyond.

I mentioned loot only because, in the scheme of things, if you kill Nef on Tuesday, you're still getting the same amount of loot as the guilds who killed him a couple hours after release. I don't expect many guilds will lose more than one reset on Chromag/Nef before he's on farm.
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Re: <Rampage> #1 NA guild on Nost, both factions?!

by Eso » Sat Sep 19, 2015 3:00 am

Gehennas strat op.

Only NA guild to wipe so many times on it!

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