How does this server even exist?

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Re: How does this server even exist?

by Dreez » Wed Sep 23, 2015 8:09 pm

if so:
1. Why do they permanently ban gold buyers when they are likely to buy more after a successful transaction?
2. Why do they frighten away gold buyers by permanently banning others and clearly stating it will lead to a perma ban? --> less money
3. Why did retail have gold sellers? (should be easy to ban them as well, they were ALL around, even on small servers)

+ OVH servers really are not expensive
+ Staff, although professional, is doing this in their free time as they stated several times (+ relying on a private
server as income source is shit)
+ it seems to be their hobby and passion as they've been doing this in the last years, pretty sure they didn't make much money of a small server like it was before (if even any, not familiar with the history)

Conclusion: give us clear evidence or that theory of nostalrius being the gold sellers is bullshit
Dreez - PvP server
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Re: How does this server even exist?

by Apinanraivo » Wed Sep 23, 2015 8:30 pm

They'd proably open themselves to lawsuits from Blizzard if they opened shops etc. So hypothetically if they wanted to make money with the server, gold sellers would sound like a pretty good idea.

Re: How does this server even exist?

by Kazy » Wed Sep 23, 2015 8:53 pm

I heard a rumor that they had a rich guy paying the server bills.
Don't know if it is true.
All I can say is that this server is damn awesome. Is it perfect? No, it really isn't, but it is free and probably one of the best, if not the best vanilla server out there.

Re: How does this server even exist?

by gotmilk0112 » Wed Sep 23, 2015 8:57 pm

umandez wrote:This is Blizzards unofficial Vanilla server.. shhhhhhh

(They do it to keep players interested in wow for future expansions!)

Do you want the party van to visit your house?

Because that's how you get the party van to visit your house.
knotic wrote:wait this is 2015. blizzard didnt do this in 2015. year is non-blizzlike omg omg
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Re: How does this server even exist?

by candyb » Wed Sep 23, 2015 9:05 pm

zeequenz wrote:My guess would be all the ads (susangame etc.) are keeping it alive. Idiots who buy there, a portion of it goes to Nost. You can't tell me nost isn't able to put these ads to rest, I'm sure they can.

kek this has been my guess to.

Dreez wrote:+ OVH servers really are not expensive

And you know about this?

A bit OT but for example trackers (who take donations) won't say their costs, because they don't want to let people know if they earn on it or not.
This aint applicable to Nost from how I understand it tho!
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Re: How does this server even exist?

by Setup » Wed Sep 23, 2015 9:47 pm

Apinanraivo wrote:They'd proably open themselves to lawsuits from Blizzard if they opened shops etc. So hypothetically if they wanted to make money with the server, gold sellers would sound like a pretty good idea.

You'd be surprised.

I'm pretty confident Feenix made more than a million Euros in "donations" from character transfers and item sales.
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Re: How does this server even exist?

by zeequenz » Wed Sep 23, 2015 9:53 pm

Dreez wrote:if so:
1. Why do they permanently ban gold buyers when they are likely to buy more after a successful transaction?
2. Why do they frighten away gold buyers by permanently banning others and clearly stating it will lead to a perma ban? --> less money
3. Why did retail have gold sellers? (should be easy to ban them as well, they were ALL around, even on small servers)

+ OVH servers really are not expensive
+ Staff, although professional, is doing this in their free time as they stated several times (+ relying on a private
server as income source is shit)
+ it seems to be their hobby and passion as they've been doing this in the last years, pretty sure they didn't make much money of a small server like it was before (if even any, not familiar with the history)

Conclusion: give us clear evidence or that theory of nostalrius being the gold sellers is bullshit

A theory that has been proven is no theory - hence the the term "My guess" has been used. You ain't wrong, but you aren't 100% right either. People do some nasty and very grey zone-ish /shady stuff just to get more money.
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Re: How does this server even exist?

by Setup » Wed Sep 23, 2015 10:08 pm

zeequenz wrote:A theory that has been proven is no theory -

Actually, in the scientific sense of the word, a theory that has been proven is exactly what a theory is; an idea that incorporates all of the available evidence better than any competing idea is a theory. See: Theory of gravity, theory of general relativity, theory of evolution, etc.
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Re: How does this server even exist?

by stimz » Wed Sep 23, 2015 11:15 pm

zeequenz wrote:My guess would be all the ads (susangame etc.) are keeping it alive. Idiots who buy there, a portion of it goes to Nost. You can't tell me nost isn't able to put these ads to rest, I'm sure they can.

If they are selling gold and banning people then good, they're supporting the server and weeding out the shitters at the same time.

Now, saying that they could easily stop the spambots who use proxies to create accounts which cost nothing? I've seen so many F2P official MMOs with much, MUCH worse spam. Even WoW official took a while to figure out ways to stop it.
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Re: How does this server even exist?

by Xylon666Darkstar » Thu Sep 24, 2015 7:19 am

Is it really any of our business where the devs get their professional revenue from? For all we should know or care, this is just a hobby on the side for them, and/or programming challenge to add to their resume while enjoying a game of the past with the rest of the player community.
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