if so:
1. Why do they permanently ban gold buyers when they are likely to buy more after a successful transaction?
2. Why do they frighten away gold buyers by permanently banning others and clearly stating it will lead to a perma ban? --> less money
3. Why did retail have gold sellers? (should be easy to ban them as well, they were ALL around, even on small servers)
+ OVH servers really are not expensive
+ Staff, although professional, is doing this in their free time as they stated several times (+ relying on a private
server as income source is shit)
+ it seems to be their hobby and passion as they've been doing this in the last years, pretty sure they didn't make much money of a small server like it was before (if even any, not familiar with the history)
Conclusion: give us clear evidence or that theory of nostalrius being the gold sellers is bullshit