From all the hours I spent at Desolace (max 4 iirc), I got ganked only like 3-4 times, no camping.Most allies just passed by, I did the same.
Badlands - 1-2 times for ~5 hours / Swamp of Sorrows - 1 time for ~3 hours / The Hinterlands - 2 times for ~3 hours
Blasted Lands - none so far
My point being - most of the opposite faction focus on power leveling, and them ganking you means you'll probably gank them back, and slow their exp/hr rate, so very few players do it.The zones you should be on your guard are STV, Searing Gorge and Burning Steppes.They are notorious for a reason, with players camping lowbies at all times.
Also, easy way to avoid ganks - get a quest buddy.Level together when you can, and if you can't find it in your guild(if you have any), then just shout in zone global chat.
Have fun