Do you think that the pop will decrease in time?

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Re: Do you think that the pop will decrease in time?

by Gi01 » Tue Mar 03, 2015 11:47 am

Dude, server stability it's not even comparable.

6x population and after day 1 no lags/restarts. On ED I got 3 restarts/rollback per hour, constantly

Re: Do you think that the pop will decrease in time?

by Wardas » Tue Mar 03, 2015 11:57 am

Indeed we all praised that.
But we were speaking about the bug situation, which is kinda bad right now

Re: Do you think that the pop will decrease in time?

by madhorde » Tue Mar 03, 2015 12:11 pm

Can someone please confirm that the population is around 5 k per faction? So when I /who and it shows around 5k its only my faction?

Re: Do you think that the pop will decrease in time?

by RodneYCZ » Tue Mar 03, 2015 12:20 pm

/who is bugged and show players from both factions. if it displays 5k it is a total population alliance and horde combined.

Re: Do you think that the pop will decrease in time?

by 123hugo » Tue Mar 03, 2015 12:22 pm

The pop will stay at about 4k, some will stop playing after a while, some will move from let's say Feenix and Kronos completely. Only time can tell but considering this is the best established vanilla server we have pop won't really decrease, I hope :D
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Re: Do you think that the pop will decrease in time?

by Ivina » Tue Mar 03, 2015 12:30 pm

It is 5k overall. The /who intentionally (i think) displays all population.

Factions are quite even, so you have 2500 per faction.
2500 was the maximum population (alliance + horde) of a vanilla server on retail.
If Nostalrius had to respect that cap, there would be 2 full servers at the moment.

About the population evolution, I think the day 1, maybe whole week 1 after a good release (like here), is always more crowded than it will be when stabilized.

There a lots of players than don't come from other projects, and that's great. But that also mean they will try vanilla for the first time (or first time after years), and whatever the server quality, maybe they won't love vanilla. This is why I think stabilized pop will be lower than pop at launch. What is really nice tough is that the launch of Nostalrius for sure increased the total population of vanilla servers.
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Re: Do you think that the pop will decrease in time?

by Pearlz » Tue Mar 03, 2015 1:14 pm

Crono wrote:Blizzard is unfortunately run by the shareholders now, which is really sad. Providing a customer experience should trump profit off of product name in the game industry, but it doesn't or gamers are lazy these days (call of duty anyone?)

I couldn't agree more! I think the majority of gamers nowadays aren't used to actually making an effort in order to accomplish something. That's because most games cater to casuals, showering players with rewards for doing literally nothing. On top of that, running your brain on autopilot is easier than actually using it, that's why people keep buying a new fifa game every flippin year.

Re: Do you think that the pop will decrease in time?

by popezaphod » Tue Mar 03, 2015 2:57 pm

Wardas wrote:Eh, yeah.
The starting zones are all bugged (gloom weed, warrrior brill quest, rogue poision quest, lazy peons, UD guards sayng "greeting, name" and nothing else, defias quest not working..). All those things (maybe not the peons) are working on ED.
You are clearly biased to not see it.

The quest in Darkshore to capture a rabid bear was borked on ED and works here. I expect we could go back and forth on what works here and what works there, but in general I am having a much better time on Nostalrius than anywhere else.
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Re: Do you think that the pop will decrease in time?

by Blackadder » Tue Mar 03, 2015 2:59 pm

madhorde wrote:The population is just awesome right now, its a well established community but I fear that its just a thing now at release and that in time it will decrease.
What do you think?

Of course it will decrease, but that is not a bad thing. All the non vanilla players who jumped on the hype wagon have to quit* . And then it will stabilize and grow again . The numbers are large enough to have a thriving community.

* I don't mean I want them to quit, they are as welcome as anybody , just saying that many people will quit any hype that is just the natural flow of things.
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Re: Do you think that the pop will decrease in time?

by DrunkenEnvy » Tue Mar 03, 2015 5:24 pm

Wardas wrote:Eh, yeah.
The starting zones are all bugged (gloom weed, warrrior brill quest, rogue poision quest, lazy peons, UD guards sayng "greeting, name" and nothing else, defias quest not working..). All those things (maybe not the peons) are working on ED.
You are clearly biased to not see it.

I'm here to play too so i hope the devs will fix all the problems (or at least the most problematics).

On the other hand, the pathing is amazing, and that counts alot

You're ridiculous. Half of those things were fixed after release, and those are all extremely minor when it comes to the big picture. I could list maybe 20-30 bugs that i've encounted on Nostalrius, some of which were already fixed by the time I'm posting this, and I could literally conjure up 100-200 in the same time on ED.

I literally skipped zones on ED due to the quests in them being too bugged, and shit in general was broken. You can't even kite mobs there!

I played a warrior. Rage generation was too low, the target of intimidating shout escaped fear instantly, I couldn't kite mobs, mobs fleed through the world, I fell through the world, movement was total shit so I couldn't pvp, charged were retarded and things broke out my stun well before I reached them, half of the quests didn't work, ALL of the escorts didn't work (literally couldn't do an escort), everyone abused levelling bugs and reached 60 in 2~ days, gold exploits were rampant because you can do a quest that gives you infinite mail with gold in it, THE LIST GOES THE FUCK ON, GTFO ATHAIRNE
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