madhorde wrote:This is why I dislike Vanilla, because all specs should be valid, a Prot Paladin should be as much as requested as a protection warrior is in raids.
Then why are you here? Seriously, I see so many posts about "why do you love Vanilla so much?" and "Why can't I do [x]?"
Current retail WoW (pretty much since Wrath) has dumbed down the game, given people less to feel successful about, and made it EASIER for people to play the game. You want in on a secret? The reason why people want and loved and continue to love vanilla is because of the sense of accomplishment. Wrath babies can start their wails of "but Wrath was best", now.
Moving on to OP's question, a number of other posters have already answered this. No, you will likely not be raiding as feral, or boomkin, or shadow. For each guild (which, keep in mind, there will be a LOT of if the current number of players stays similar), there may be 1-2 of each for the buffs they provide the other classes. But that said, I wouldn't count on it being you unless you're both dedicated and GOOD. Two key points that I would keep in mind.
But the question was: are they viable? Yes, in some manner or another. A prime example is how many warriors there are right now. I think it's hilarious. Back on retail, there were hardly this many warriors. And almost none that were allowed to DPS. And because of all the video hyper, nostalgia, and because people seem to think they're Pat reincarnate, everyone has rolled rogue / warrior in hopes of being a PvP god.
Good luck to you all with that. I would estimate most of them will burn out at some point, whether because they're not used to a game telling them to get f***ed (leveling speed is slow, same-level mobs can crush you 1v1, etc.) or because they aren't allowed to pve in one spec or another for instances. Lord knows at 60 I have NO intention of inviting "balance" druids to my 5-mans. lol
But that doesn't mean I wouldn't. That person just needs to be a shining example of how to play the game. And therein lies the final point of why I love vanilla WoW. The community. You learn who people are, and trust gets around the server. If you're bad, you'd better learn quick and not be a d-bag, or it will haunt you later.
Sorry for the rant. People like "madhorde" bother me and it got under my skin. Go post on a Wrath / Cata board if you don't want to play vanilla, instead of detracting what is, so far, the most well-made, well-scripted private vanilla server ever.