zerf wrote:Typically GMs teleport suspects to jail box to see what how they interact. I wonder If you got teleported too and did GM that ban you actually knew how that addon works, since in order to check if you were using 3rd party software one would need to wait at least (5?) minutes to see if you get AFK flagged or jump/cast any spells without noticing change in surroundings. Simply teleporting and checking for autotrade / broadcast messages is not enough.
On other hand, 900 water is not that much (45 stacks) and sitting all day, pressing one button is rather weird. Mind telling approximate time your character was doing this stuff (like 5h / day)? Permaban seems a bit over the top though.
I was never once teleported anywhere. The GMs should know how the addon works. I linked it multiple times. It's obvious though by the way they have described things that they're completely oblivious. I tried to keep myself from going AFK, although there are plenty of times that I did. There were also multiple times that I AFK'd completely offline for more than 15 minutes because all of my water despawned (pretty annoying to remake). Add to that the server kept crashing the week before and so I was obviously present because I had to keep logging back on every 5 minutes when it crashed.
Depending on the time of day 900 water could last quite awhile. However during NA or EU primetime I made sure to conjure a few stacks everytime I made any movement to keep from going AFK. Add to that talking to people non stop, making different levels of water for lowbies, regularly saying thank you to those who tipped, and emoting to friends who were nearby...I'm one pretty amazing bot.
As far as how long I was doing this stuff per day it was probably sporadic during a 10-12 or so hour period (could be a little more or less). I log on in the morning and run it during the day while I work on my other monitor, usually actively chatting if guildies were online. When I was done with work for the day and a few particular friends came on I'd stop and go run a 5 man (lately Strat UD) Then either run something else or return to the bridge and continue while chatting until I logged and went to sleep. Throughout this whole process I was keeping an eye on chat as often as I could so I could catch people needing to buy the UBRS key. I probably opened UBRS 3-4 times a day.
Add to all this the unfair commentary in my account issues thread by one banned AH sniper "
yadungoofed" who was the one that made a ticket in the first place after I told his new level 5 dwarf AH sniper that I wasn't sharing the name of the addon (because he was being an ass) and /ignored him. Who by the way is still regularly botting on his level 5 dwarf in IF whose name is "Unreadable" spelled out in special characters for the sole reason of making him hard to report. The funny thing is that he will get this level 5 banned again and just create a new one...rinse and repeat but his main will remain untouched. If the staff would like his name they can find it on my ignore list.
Then there was also "
NOanswerfrommod" who had also just been banned, and 2 regular trolls.
Nothing about the thread was fair. It was full of misinformation and people who had no clue what they were talking about. The 2 posts where Viper contradicts himself are just further evidence of that. No one even bothered to read the link describing the addon in question.
So ya I agree...permaban was over the top. But it is what it is.