Garneet wrote:The way i did it was with warr tank 2 mages and a pala healer and the one i boosted. Yes i multiboxed on ED so it was easy for me i guess. All i did was to run with warr(only warr) and spam demo to keep aggro as i pulled all of the planed mobs. Then when i came to the others i ran a macro /uninvite "name" /in 45 /invite "name" and tagged with the low level when it was out of party
Niko wrote:Three decked L60 mages with a healer and a fifth lowbie mage, masspull everything and then drop grp quickly on the lowbie mage to tag mobs, then rejoin grp and begin the aoe with all characters.
We did this and had 14hrs played 1-60.
knotic wrote:wait this is 2015. blizzard didnt do this in 2015. year is non-blizzlike omg omg
illutian wrote:Holy shit...seriously?! :O
I wonder if they'd allow this in instances.
4 lvl 60s should be able to nuke down any mob up to (and including) BRD with in the 59 seconds 'boot to hearth location' timer that pops up after you leave an instance group.
Coridan wrote:I opened a ticket about this (instance tagging) to ask if it was allowed or not on this server and was told that tagging non-instanced mobs is fine, running lower levels through instances is fine, but instance tagging in the manner you guys described is not allowed. HOWEVER, they said they'll discuss internally and post to this thread with the updated stance.
Any official response from the GM team on whether or not this is allowed?
Rottenbeauty wrote:As long as it is two different players playing, and not "your friend" on another account that happens to have the same IP as you, there is no problem.