by drelk001 » Tue Oct 27, 2015 8:40 am
I dont live alone and I have to keep my computer set up in the front room, cant have my set up in my room because my neighbor's bedroom is next to mine and she is a maniac and gets angry over any kind of noise, she will either bang on the wall to quiet me down or tell the landlord (I have had conversations and she pounds on the wall... she has even came over to my apartment asking me to turn off my TV after I fell asleep with it on)
I should be streaming P99 tomorrow night about 11PM EST or more Nost... most likely P99 so yeah
Here's my Schedule...
Everynight (whenever I can) from 11-11:30 PM EST to whenever I am done or everyone leaves the stream
When my brother gets home I usually stop streaming or play a different game usually with him.
My Motto is, RL before games.