Tekko wrote:What's hard about vanilla?
WAY more gear dependency than later expansions (save a few classes) and having to grind for either the mats to make certain consumables needed for the entire raid OR for the gold to buy said mats (pick your hell) are good starts. While I think TBC made this more important, "Know Your Class/Spec" hit hard in Vanilla. Certain leveling areas are hell without groups like the Plaguelands.
And lets not forget the insane itemization.
In Vanilla/TBC you're on a journey starting at the very bottom and having little to no power. VERY SLOWLY do you rise in rank and eventually are graced with not being a total weakling but instead somewhat of a powerful member of your faction. In WC terms, you go from being a Peon gatherer to an Attack Unit and slowly work your way up (the same way upgrades work in those games) to being able to tackle stronger enemies or even groups of them with even more Units. Lich King somewhat furthers that to where you're no longer the nameless units but rather weak Hero Units, and this persisted into Cata until Nerfed Cata came... then it was all downhill from there.
People complained about having to learn their spec/class and Blizzard kept saying "No. You have 85 levels to learn them. Get to it." then eventually caved and now we have WoW as it is today, where movement from the big obvious circle keeps you from dying instead of gear and the CC buttons are all dusty and covered in cobwebs UNLESS you're a PvPer. People complained about not getting invited because they didn't have an alt of classes that were needed for raids, so Blizz homogenized virtually everything and removed most of what made classes unique (THEY TOOK MY HEALTHSTONES!). And of course, people complained that they should get epics and get to see raids even though they log in only once or twice a day for a few hours because they pay their sub just like eeeeeveryone else.. AND SO LFR AND WELFARE EPICS WERE BORN! (MoP version. IMO, Cata and LK's version weren't nearly as bad since you could only queue for Normal/Heroic instead of a Tourist Mode version of a Raid.) It's the same as giving a trophy for everyone who participated in Little League... fuck your self esteem, if you suck you should be shamed by watching the kids who are actually GOOD get trophies!