I'm lost, can't decide between Kronos and Nostalrius

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Re: I'm lost, can't decide between Kronos and Nostalrius

by Sakuraba » Wed Mar 04, 2015 4:43 pm

I feel Nostalrius got the upper hand by not messing up their release and by getting there first. (ye the couple of hours of not being able to login was unfortunate, but in the grand scheme of things completely irrelevant.)

As of right now i see no need to try out Kronos in the future.
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Re: I'm lost, can't decide between Kronos and Nostalrius

by Ivina » Wed Mar 04, 2015 4:50 pm

Forums are full of fan-boys that can't stop spreading wrong statements.

Since Nostalrius launch, I've seen countless posts on Kronos' forum spreading lies about Nostalrius. Just some examples: "server is populated by bots", "you can make infinite money using hacks", "many low level quests are bugged (and always repeating the sleeping peons example, even if it was fixed within first day)"...

Sadly, it is likely same kind of post, bashing Kronos, appear here when Kronos will launch, and I hope such posts will be deleted. It really makes a server look desperate, and is no help for the server staff.

Conclusion: don't judge a server through what you read on forums. Fanboys' opinion definitively is not reliable. The only reliable way is to test the server by yourself.

If I was you, I would roll on Nostalrius now to make myself an opinion, and I would roll on Kronos at their launch. The Kronos devs probably worked hard one their server, so it is a good reward if lot of players are present for Kronos' launch. I sincerely hope for them it will be a success. I don't think it is a threat of any kind to Nostalrius, since (let's admit it) Nostalrius is at the moment completely over-populated.

I hope Nostalrius will soon launch a bug report forum, a change-log, and maybe one PTR server on which people can try HL content. That way, you could really know the information you need: what is the current state of the server, and what is the rate of fixes.
Last edited by Ivina on Wed Mar 04, 2015 5:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: I'm lost, can't decide between Kronos and Nostalrius

by Paultrouble » Wed Mar 04, 2015 5:05 pm


+ nice bug tracker
+ impressive fix videos ( of tthings that i personnaly have never seen fixed in any p-server)
+ dev team is kind of transparent and answers pretty much all the questions
+ server funding wont be a problem in the future
- bug tracker has A LOT of bugs reported in (when i mean i lot, i really mean it)
- slow bug fixing, cuz small team
- stability seems to be a MAJOR concern

+ 1.4 patch is actually pretty cool and adds to the challenge. Its a big +1 for me
+ awesome stability
+ quick fixing
+ big population
- lvling not 100% polished yet
-no real bug tracker (really needed for big theorycrafting discussions)
-not really transparent about server funding/dev team

Re: I'm lost, can't decide between Kronos and Nostalrius

by RodneYCZ » Wed Mar 04, 2015 5:14 pm

on Kronos you have to make sure you read the rules there just like here "Everyone is obliged to follow all the laws of the Czech Republic that are effective at the current time." - That's already a turn off for me (too much work to read all those laws)

Are you serious ? Yeah, they have this in their forum rules, but I don't know anybody, who would actually read this. When you travel to different country, do you also read ALL the laws of that country ? I don't think so. Just use your common sense, don't be racist, homophobic, vulgar, etc, act like normal human being and you will be fine. But if you are so strict in following rules, I hope you have license to use your WoW client (=you bought the game), so you don't violate any author's law. And even if you have license to use your WoW client, don't forget if you play on private server you violate Blizzard's End User License Agreement.
Last edited by RodneYCZ on Wed Mar 04, 2015 5:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: I'm lost, can't decide between Kronos and Nostalrius

by popezaphod » Wed Mar 04, 2015 5:17 pm

Kronos isn't up and running. Nostalrius is. So why not create a character on Nostalrius, try it until Kronos comes out, then try Kronos and see which experience you like better?
"Well, Zaphod's just this Pope, you know?
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* WoW: Open Beta through intro of BC, then back for WotLK and left before Cata*
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Re: I'm lost, can't decide between Kronos and Nostalrius

by Ivina » Wed Mar 04, 2015 5:21 pm

Paultrouble wrote:-no real bug tracker (really needed for big theorycrafting discussions)
-not really transparent about server funding/dev team

Bug tracker is likely to be added.

Informations about people running the server and funding will probably remain hidden.

If you have noticed, Nostalrius has banned all legal risks. What makes a private server the most likely to be sued is a shop. Nostalrius has no shop and no donations at all. Another risk to be sued is the illegal distribution of the WoW client. Nostalrius won't distribute it at all. All you can find is a link to a torrent in the forum.

For players, this sounds good. Ok, you don't know how the server is funded, but for sure it is. The previous server existed for 5 years and only closed to make place to a more ambitious project. In the other hand, this server is less likely than any other to close because it is sued by Blizzard. It is quite a rare guarantee among private servers.
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Re: I'm lost, can't decide between Kronos and Nostalrius

by kobayagi » Wed Mar 04, 2015 5:35 pm

This server gives me all i need from vanila and for me there is no reason to look furder...
There is one thing i don't like and that's constant disconnects after i add mpq patch (character model editing) but i guess thats not a minus (beside i did this on retail without any problems).

There are some bugs but let us be honest, this server is a monster, nothing like before...
Hyb (Orc Shaman)
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Re: I'm lost, can't decide between Kronos and Nostalrius

by alucard001 » Wed Mar 04, 2015 6:04 pm

This server makes me feel like i was playing in retail vanilla like 10 years ago.

Besides, i was really disappointed about the Kronos beta. They had to close it cos of crashes just with 1200 players. Here the server runs with +5k players without any lag.

Nostalrius is just amazing.

Also you can say that we have a lot of good dev who fixes bugs really fast, and a full blizzlike server. I don't know what do you really ask for. This server is amazing, and its not done yet (bugs are some things are being updated constantly). Devs don't EVEN WANT DONATIONS.

Kronos is looking for money, you just don't see it. This is the best server as far as now, and it will be better with time, we just have to keep up the good work and stay together, and spread the word. (Server is also stopping A LOT of DDoS attacks).

I have nothing more to say.
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Re: I'm lost, can't decide between Kronos and Nostalrius

by mrmr » Wed Mar 04, 2015 6:38 pm

You're forgetting about:
I'm not root of myself.
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Re: I'm lost, can't decide between Kronos and Nostalrius

by zorex270 » Wed Mar 04, 2015 6:46 pm

For me Kronos is just another Vanilla server, nothing unique or very special with kronos. Sure they have good scripts etc. But Nostalrius is one of a kind server atm. That's why i left kronos for Nostalrius. Han much more to OFFER


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