How do you do it?

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Re: How do you do it?

by Guirssane » Wed Mar 04, 2015 5:32 pm

Why is it not the first time you make such topic madhorde? You can also don't understand why we play here and leave. Your hatred is getting annoying ya know.
The only thing I liked about woltk was season 8, that's all.
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Re: How do you do it?

by Arn » Wed Mar 04, 2015 5:36 pm

I personally find it appealing that every item you find isn't perfectly itemized. Yeah you're gonna get some +str and spirit as a warrior but that's just how it is. People just run around in simple gear and then when someone finally gets an epic, you really stand out.

In WoW now everyone just walk around with magma lava nuclear armor spraying acid, it's just too over the top for this old engine. One of my favorite item combinations in wow (all expansions included) is still Raging Berserkers Helm and Drake Talon Pauldrons from BWL perhaps with Silverwing Tabard to top it off.
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Re: How do you do it?

by pmizz » Wed Mar 04, 2015 6:17 pm

madhorde wrote:
eotrampage wrote:because we quit playing WoW after TBC or WoTLK and been waiting to play a decent mmorpg since then

WoW's glory days was in TBC and Wotlk, you don't recognize this because of your blind fanboysim to vanilla

For me the only joy and fun I would have in vanilla is the world pvp, without flying mounts, true wpvp.


Wotlk was for small children who wernt socially capable of forming groups, not suprised your angry at vanilla if wotlk was the peak for you. Vanilla defined socializing and in my first 8 levels i grouped with more people than all of wotlk leveling

Top kek
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Re: How do you do it?

by Laudric » Wed Mar 04, 2015 8:08 pm

Elementalist wrote:The journey and the the adventure. The glory and the defeat. The people.

and corpse camping them

Best answer!
And the World.

Re: How do you do it?

by eotrampage » Wed Mar 04, 2015 8:54 pm

madhorde wrote:
eotrampage wrote:because we quit playing WoW after TBC or WoTLK and been waiting to play a decent mmorpg since then

WoW's glory days was in TBC and Wotlk, you don't recognize this because of your blind fanboysim to vanilla

For me the only joy and fun I would have in vanilla is the world pvp, without flying mounts, true wpvp.

Is english really that hard to understand? after TBC or WoTLK means Ive played those.

*Edited by GM*
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Re: How do you do it?

by pakao » Wed Mar 04, 2015 9:10 pm

Wows glory days were vanila and tbc

btw vanila wow at this patch we are playing is evergreen, perfect game which i enjoy now as much as ever

And that terms "outdated game", what does it means? Is ches outdated game? Some things never get old
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Re: How do you do it?

by mrmr » Wed Mar 04, 2015 9:50 pm

WotLK sucks donkey's asses.
I'm not root of myself.
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Re: How do you do it?

by Stone » Wed Mar 04, 2015 10:45 pm

So WoD moves "forward" with its bullshit instant 90 crap meta game thingy?
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Re: How do you do it?

by Heaterz » Thu Mar 05, 2015 3:09 am

Those "stupid greens" from quests that you put it, are not so stupid in vanilla. There are no special little snowflakes here. this is where epics are truly epic.
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Re: How do you do it?

by Ike » Thu Mar 05, 2015 4:20 am

That's like asking a Formula 1 (or Nascar for our american friends) driver why he thinks it's fun to drive in a circle over and over again. Looking at it from this angle barely scratches the surface of what he actually does. There is so much more going on in reality!
Same goes with World of Warcraft. Both PvP and PvE offer a huge depth and just because you've done it all already it doesn't automatically become boring or uninteresting. Once you're getting a deeper understanding of it all it becomes way more than just "kill that boss for the n-th time". This applies to a lot of games btw.. There's tons of people out there that have dumped hundreds of hours into all kinds of games ranging from shooters over rpgs up to strategie games.
And if you're not getting the same out of the game then that's 100% okay! Luckily there are thousands of other games out there that might appeal to you more.
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