1. Epics are epics - no other mmo cant provide you that feeling.
2. No hotkey based queue content - only AA comes close to vanilla wow here
3. Best open world pvp experience ever
4. Not everyone can have everything. I know I won't be able to get into some raids cuz of my free time and generally my gaming attitude and that is JUST FINE. Not everything should be accessible to everyone. Know your place in the world.
5. Overall difficulty. Yes, boss mechanics are some basic stuff in compare to WoD or whatever, but seriously... Every boss fight past tbc is faceroll or very close to it. And that is only because players are overpowered even before they get to the boss. Avoiding fire and some telegraphs on ground or whatever isn't what I consider a challenge. Lets log into my Wildstar account and see how many times I'll stay in red
Avoiding stuff is easy "super-mario" like mechanics. Vanilla-wow provides you with challenge of preparation, team coordination and patience! Only because of that, I can tell that I respect PvE players almost equally as PvP players here, which isn't a case on any other game.
That was about "vanilla wow".
Now lets see why Nost:
There is one thing you can't script - population.
You either do well in hype-making or don't. And even if you create a hype challenge is to maintain it.
After checking the launch of both Kronos and Nost and being long time player on Rebirth I picked Nostalrius clearly because we all want one thing - population.
It's not about scripts anymore, seriously! These devs nowdays do miracles. Every server I ever played on had it's released content scripted very close to a damn perfection but it always lacked one, the only, most important thing. POPULATION.
You can't script population. Nost hyped up the world and actually delivered the hype professionally. I'd say even better than Wildstar on a f2p launch. What's even more challenging is to maintain the level of hype and if you look at online population this very moment, you can be damn sure that people are here for a reason.
I don't think that 10k (even more) come here on a daily basis because server sucks.