Fubbzy wrote:wow isnt a very unforgiving game in general, no losing gear on deaths etc, so as a new player either could be fun tbh. ganking really isnt that bad, thats why you carry pots or quest with a friend. if you really dont like being bothered by other players pve realm, but if you really cant decide, try the pvp realm out you might have alot of fun with it.
zzxx wrote:Fubbzy wrote:wow isnt a very unforgiving game in general, no losing gear on deaths etc, so as a new player either could be fun tbh. ganking really isnt that bad, thats why you carry pots or quest with a friend. if you really dont like being bothered by other players pve realm, but if you really cant decide, try the pvp realm out you might have alot of fun with it.
Yea dude I got 60s on alliance and horde and ganking isnt even that bad.
Unless your literally retarded you can get away and go grind mobs or quest somewhere else.
PanTheSatyr wrote:lol at all these PvP crybabies trying to make people feel bad for preferring a Normal realm to a PvP realm.
ceen2 wrote:3-4x retail population makes PvP server unplayable if you are not a teenager.
?? players everywhere looking for a nice gank.
ceen2 wrote:Maybe you need to grow up and we discuss it again in 10 years. I enjoyed the retail pvp server and dont need to bother with it anymore.