matt wrote:Glorian wrote:The fact is, all the negativeness in the community of feenix seemed to be connected to you. As long as you keep it cool here and the idiotic behavior and spamming doesn't transfer here, it'll all be good.
the thing is, I haven't done a single thing except level and run my guild, I don't know what this Jackyy guys deal is with me, I've never even talked to him before.
no, ur lies will not prevail this time.
the crimes u have committed against the community of every server u've played on, are placing u beyond redemption
u already started again to troll. i got 2 hours of videomaterial of the worldchat. Including the flase claims against moradin.
in addition older material form the other server.
overall about 4-5 hours of u trolling persons in /w in /world or in other ways.
as long i am here ur trolling shall not go unpunished for the good of ALL servers and ALL of the internet.
Justice shall prevail.