Delvarg wrote:So the new "norm" for tanks is to only run the dungeon if they get all BOE's. While this may seem like its easier for you to get a tank now, it wont change anything (the amount of time it takes to get a tank) in the long run. Very soon, if not already, every tank will expect this and there will not be a single dungeon run where the BOE's are fair game. Bringing you back full circle to spending the same amount of time to find a tank, and it's expected that they get the items.
Obviously they have a specific role that can only be met by a single class, Warrior (Insert argument about druid tanks). In my opinion this is just another side affect of retail WoW spilling over to Nostalrius and we as a community need to nip it in the butt before it gets out of hand.
By all means it is my/your right to not group with these tanks and to keep looking, and it's what I choose to do. (Same thing for groups that reserved items)
Worst thing about this is it's community driven.
If you need a tank for 5 Mans on Horde side and catch me online just Hit me up (Nocktar). I'll run anything and don't expect the BOE's. Also summoning Warlock Dreadsteed mount for free if you clear the instance first, whisper me on Delvarg.
I am one of "those" tanks. I can see your points and even agree with them to some extent. However, in the end it is all driven by supply and demand. The demand for tanks far out-weigh the supply, and the few tanks that are gearing up pre-raid will often get done very fast due to the high demand. This is where skilled and raid-geared tanks step in. Not being able to grind efficiently, this is a good alternative and if the group wants a 2x as fast run with 0-wipes, it will considered a good deal by most. I can honestly say, of the hundreds of people I have provided this service for, I have only had a hand-full of dissatisfied customers. I cant speak for the other tanks who also do this, but I run (at break-neck speed as someone put it), I AoE-tank everything with 0-CC:s and do this at 2x speed most pre-raid geared tanks would.
If you dont like the offers, simply decline politely and move on with your day.
EDIT: To be clear. I would only consider this a fair thing to do if the tank does not need anything in the instance. I have only seen BiS-geared tanks doing this though, which makes sense.