Surprised it wasn't a huntard that got to 60 first, easiest leveling class with lock being a close second. Seems pretty quick for a single person to do but then again I would bet my house and all its possessions that there are a lot of players on this server (30-40% at least) who just bluntly have "no life" and have been playing non-stop on this server since it opened last week. I find it very difficult to do that, not because I get bored of playing, but because 3-4 hours of sleep a night is not conducive to good health nor would be it allow me to be functional at my job. The word job might be unfamiliar to many who play simply because there are no openings in the work force for occupations that consist of not showering and eating hot pockets until 3 in the morning.
With that said there is also the high chance that toons were shared for the purpose of being first virgin to 60 but the reward is nothing but a slight growth in E-peen. Grats...