Muhsogyny wrote:Alliance is absolutely better for PvP. Shaman are gimped paladins and anyone who thinks paladins are weak "offensive" support healers are retarded. Paladins keep their DPS completely free of all CC so that they can destroy the other team. Shaman are no where near as effective at this.
As far as racials, everyone underestimates stoneform, escape artist, perception, shadowmeld, and the priest racials fear ward and desperate prayer. Horde has some great PvP racials, but Alliance racials are easily on par.
Alliance on Nostalrius also has the benefit of having signficantly more healers than Horde has. Most BGs horde has zero healers, one if they are lucky, while Alliance usually has 3 or more.
How Alliance doesn't have a 90% win/loss ratio for pugs is a mystery.
I will agree with you about paladins, but if you think alliance racials are on par with horde for pvp you are delusional. Every horde race but troll has a stronger pvp racial than any alliance race.
aoe 2 second stun that can be used while stunned and +5% hp including items
25% stun resist, AP steroid
WOTF is imba as hell, cannibalize is effectively a second bandage, 10 shadow resist is good as well
If the gnome escape artist was instant cast it would imo be better than orc, but that 1 second really hurts.