BOYCOTT "Reserved" groups!

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Re: BOYCOTT "Reserved" groups!

by Uro » Mon Mar 09, 2015 1:01 pm

/1.Westfall Lvl21 Rogue [Gary]says: LF1M GDKP Deadmines 95%split Blues25silv min-bid Greens 15silv min-bid@ Need Holy Paladin or Priest (lvl20+ only) Silk/Wool Cloth/Cruel Blade Reserved! No Noobs!

/1.Westfall Lvl17 Priest [Bob]says: Hi can I join? :)

/1.Westfall Lvl21 Rogue [Gary]says: NO you're too Low, and besides, my Guild says YOU SUCK!

/1.Westfall Lvl17 Priest [Bob]says: But i'm new too the class and vanilla, and I wanna learn :(

/1.Westfall Lvl21 Rogue [Gary]says: Go Play PANDALAND then NOOB!

Poor Bob, he just got a taste of Peenix Elitism, poor poor Bob :cry:
Moo.. Moo.. Moo.. Swoop Hits me... so Hard.. makes.. me..feel.. Not so good..
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Re: BOYCOTT "Reserved" groups!

by SanderP » Mon Mar 09, 2015 1:08 pm

Uro wrote:/1.Westfall Lvl21 Rogue [Gary]says: LF1M GDKP Deadmines 95%split Blues25silv min-bid Greens 15silv min-bid@ Need Holy Paladin or Priest (lvl20+ only) Silk/Wool Cloth/Cruel Blade Reserved! No Noobs!

/1.Westfall Lvl17 Priest [Bob]says: Hi can I join? :)

/1.Westfall Lvl21 Rogue [Gary]says: NO you're too Low, and besides, my Guild says YOU SUCK!

/1.Westfall Lvl17 Priest [Bob]says: But i'm new too the class and vanilla, and I wanna learn :(

/1.Westfall Lvl21 Rogue [Gary]says: Go Play PANDALAND then NOOB!

Poor Bob, he just got a taste of Peenix Elitism, poor poor Bob :cry:

No gearscore req?
Flavie, 60 Hunter
Illusion, 60 Rogue
Star, 43 Paladin
<The Council>
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Re: BOYCOTT "Reserved" groups!

by Phaleg » Mon Mar 09, 2015 2:12 pm

As long as people make their intentions clear at the start of the run, I see no problem with this. It's your choice to stay in the group or not.

Personally, if I was doing this I would opt out of taking any other run loot since im there EXCLUSIVELY for that. But I know not many people will follow this rule.

The group is doing you a favor by allowing you to get your item if it drops no matter what. The least you could do is pass on everything else.
"I am Phaleg, spirit of Olympia... Son of man... If you yearn for the power of Mars, then walk with me..."
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Re: BOYCOTT "Reserved" groups!

by Syff » Mon Mar 09, 2015 2:28 pm

I kinda agree with the OP here.
If this catches on (and it will) it will turn /1 not only in a wall of text and spam but also making it hard for people to get loot / parties.
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Re: BOYCOTT "Reserved" groups!

by simppi » Mon Mar 09, 2015 2:36 pm

Syff wrote:I kinda agree with the OP here.
If this catches on (and it will) it will turn /1 not only in a wall of text and spam but also making it hard for people to get loot / parties.

this does not make any sence, the only ppl reserving loot is dps or if theres some dps thing that happens to be good for a niche spec, like ironfoe for example. since there are loads of dps there shouldnt never be a problem finding a grp.

Re: BOYCOTT "Reserved" groups!

by Blackadder » Mon Mar 09, 2015 2:42 pm

I am ok with this in lvl 60 raids where drop rates of some items are low and organizing the whole raid is actually a lot of work. In those cases , yes reserving a key item is not outrageous .

But in low level dungeons I find it a bit pathetic. But it still can be useful in some cases. Let's say you party has a warrior that really needs item X, it is a crucial item for his class. If somebody else needs on it because it is slightly useful for them in offspec that is VERY annoying for the warrior.

In a perfect world, people would understand and pass to the warrior, but we don;t have such world.

I am a hunter this time around. The classic NEEDER class. (Hey, ' Its not my fault blizzard designed us to be weapon experts... ) But I will always look at the needs of other people in my group and don;t need on weapons that are more important to them.
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Re: BOYCOTT "Reserved" groups!

by Sifle » Mon Mar 09, 2015 3:20 pm

Don't like the rules of the group? Don't join. It's that simple. I don't understand why you're making a huge deal out of it. You're acting like every single person on this entire server except you is an elitist asshole. Some people are in it for themselves, some people are in it to help others. It's the name of the game.

When i played on another vanilla private server, there was this level 60 who wasn't in any guild, who never went to any actual raids (MC, BWL, ONY, etc), yet he was CONSTANTLY running lower level dungeons to help people who were having a hard time finding a group. It wasn't automatic, like you couldn't beg him first thing to run y ou through it but he was always willing to help if you've arleady spent 30+ minutes spamming with no luck.

And on the other flipside, there are plenty of people who don't want their time wasted. It's their call, not yours. YOU telling them what they CAN/CAN'T do is on equal footing as those who require people to be fully geared before they can do the dungeons that the gear drops from.

TL;DR: Some people are selfish, others are helpful. That doesn't give you the right to force people into your rules. Stop being rude.

Re: BOYCOTT "Reserved" groups!

by BigMcLargeHuge » Mon Mar 09, 2015 3:29 pm

Reserving an item makes it harder to fill out a group though, so I think it's a fair trade off for people who want to reserve an item.

People typically just reserve one item as well, which I find acceptable.

The key thing is for people to be open about it before the run even starts. Everyone should be clear on what the reserved item is and how it works, and anyone who has a problem with it really ought to speak up before heading out. I can't tell you how many times I've made something clear before heading to a dungeon only to have a debate about it after a half hour of clearing.

I've never personally reserved an item but I don't see it as a problem either. People are acting as if all items ever might be on reserve and that they'll never get the loot they're after. You say this is supposed to be a social game, well then join a guild and get to know people so that you can always start a guild group and dictate group rules yourself.

EDIT: I also wanted to add, reserving an item is a better alternative then simply excluding people to avoid competition for gear. I'd rather pass up on one item the other guy wants so I can have a shot at other things from the dungeon and completing quests then not going at all.
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Re: BOYCOTT "Reserved" groups!

by rotten » Mon Mar 09, 2015 3:32 pm

simppi wrote:i dont get what ppl are so mad about, its my own decision if i wanna reserve something and if ppl want that item they can just make their own grp or find a grp that doesnt have that item reserved.
im not gonna do 40 emp runs for ironfoe and then lose it to sum rogue who is doing his first run.

We are mad because you have no right to employ such selfish/greedy tactics. it is this type of solo-centric mentality that crippled wow retail. This is an MMORPG... it is a GROUP effort-not a single player game. All should have the right to roll on whatever items they feel fit to. Who are you to decide that items can be "reserved". This mentality is frightening and is the major contributor to why WoW has fallen victim to such scumbaggery over the years. this current generation and their me me me mindset. Instant gratification has no place in vanilla! I, for one, will NEVER take part in any "item reserved" grps...I suggest everyone else think for themselves and let reason decide.
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Re: BOYCOTT "Reserved" groups!

by BigMcLargeHuge » Mon Mar 09, 2015 3:39 pm

rotten wrote:I, for one, will NEVER take part in any "item reserved" grps

Yes this is exactly what everyone is saying you should do if you don't like reserved item groups. Discussion is complete!
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