You are seeking attention. You are the equivalent of a dumb slut showing off her not-that-hot-body and now you are getting angry because someone calls you out for your Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome.
As for being awful, well,I am level 26 on Nostalrius, as I started a few days ago, so right now, I'm not much of a threat, no, but awful, hardly. As for being upset? Well, my stomach is a bit upset, but I'm personally quite relaxed and just enjoying poking fun of another angsty teen.
As for your "why are people so shit"-comment? Well, they just are. The vast majority of players play to have fun and aren't tryhards. If you want competition wait for the TBC realm and go play some arenas or go play another game, perhaps one based on ranking, as you are so preoccupied with your perceived excellence from beating up a few scrubs.
Preying on /trade premades and feeling high and mighty is like participating in the Special Olympics and mocking the competition.