Quest Bottleneck is Retarded

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Re: Quest Bottleneck is Retarded

by JimboPete » Wed Mar 11, 2015 1:32 am

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Re: Quest Bottleneck is Retarded

by riq and snog » Wed Mar 11, 2015 4:00 am

How dare u socialise in an mmorpg... for xp just run dungeons a few times when thers litterally no mob to be slain its a way to get xp "fast"
riq and snog
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Re: Quest Bottleneck is Retarded

by pasiutlige » Wed Mar 11, 2015 4:07 am

Did allmost everything but elite quests solo. Currently allmost level 34, cant get faster since I have full time job, but anyway. Started from launch and it was a hell of a fun ride.

Re: Quest Bottleneck is Retarded

by Ramzey » Wed Mar 11, 2015 4:12 am

This is how Vanilla was, I sincerely hope they don't change the spawn rates.

Re: Quest Bottleneck is Retarded

by Keltor » Wed Mar 11, 2015 2:20 pm

Most people playing here want a real Vanilla experience and this is the way it was. I've played two nights and I'm still not level 10 because I'm not rushing, not fighting with people, and just rediscovering the world I've played for 10 years on live. It's one thing to be frustrated if this was a current game trying to revise everything they've done over a decade, but it's not.

If you play here you are expecting Vanilla treatment. If you don't like it, go somewhere else. I don't mean to be so harsh, but it is what it is. You have several options if you decide to stick with it:

1)Group with people in the area/advertise chat for a group
2)Move on to another quest area and come back
3)Work on gathering and professions
4)Try a completely different zone. Take a tram to IF or SW and try to quest in those starting areas instead
5)Straight up grind wolves, boars, bears, etc.

This is what we had to do in the original game. This is what you have to do here.

Re: Quest Bottleneck is Retarded

by Shadowlurk » Wed Mar 11, 2015 2:35 pm

Yes it's frustrating.

But this initial frustration was a part of Vanilla WoW. That makes it Blizzlike. I like Blizzlike and so do the devs.
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Re: Quest Bottleneck is Retarded

by eFFeRR » Wed Mar 11, 2015 3:23 pm

If you are spending 2 hours on a quest.. you are doing it wrong..

Have a quest that needs an X amount of Mobs to be killed? Party up with other players in the area.

Have a quest that needs an item looted on a timer? Don't wait around and do nothing, kill mobs in the area while waiting for it to respawn.

Have a quest that requires quest items to be looted off a body?. Well this is the only problem quest at the moment. Redridge Goulash was a PITA to complete because of the lack of Condor Spawns. Quests like this are best to just be skipped over. A little tip, if you do decide to party on a quest like this, it is possible to have "double" quest items be picked up. If looted at the same time both players can get the Quest Item.

Last night doing the Shadow Magic quest in Redridge, our group tried our best to loot the bodies at the same time so that we can all finish the quest at the same time. For the most part it worked.

Re: Quest Bottleneck is Retarded

by Shiggs13 » Wed Mar 11, 2015 6:35 pm

Crono wrote:Never had any problem grouping up. Most players I group with will happily help to make sure everyone has the loot items before taking off to go do other quests. Maybe I am just lucky.

Haha you tend to be lucky xD
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Re: Quest Bottleneck is Retarded

by Seth » Thu Mar 12, 2015 1:47 am

All these people defending this issue as being fine and spewing more blizzlike bullshit disgust me...

Re: Quest Bottleneck is Retarded

by WillyWillers » Thu Mar 12, 2015 2:03 am

Seth wrote:All these people defending this issue as being fine and spewing more blizzlike bullshit disgust me...

Trees for the forest and all that jazz.
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