strreamix wrote:I kill anything that gives me honor. I do not kill any grey enemies unless they attack me first. I do it because I love PVP. You're lucky I have to work on the weekends, see you ingame soon.
Oh, and I'm not grouped with any "rogue pal". There was another rogue stealing a bunch of my kills with ambush today if that's who you are talking about.
you ambushed me after I was fighting another ally. You proceeded to corpse farm me as soon as I rezzed with no health. You call that WPVP? scumbag rogue is scumbag rogue. i am not QQing or crying like many will say in this thread, I am simply calling you out for what you are...A corpse camping tryhard that thinks killing players 7 levels lower than you is world PVP. I'll see you around once I catch up to your level. You are KOS.