Horde / Alliance ratio 5 to 1?

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Re: Horde / Alliance ratio 5 to 1?

by Teence » Mon Mar 16, 2015 3:51 pm

It's just you. I see a ton of Alliance questing in Alterac Mountains and Arathi Highlands. Thousand Needles is primarily a Horde zone for questing. In STV, a lot of Horde-specific quest objectives are near where neutral quest objectives are. The majority of Alliance-specific quests are in the Kurzen area, where there are no neutral or Horde quests, so you'll probably never see a questing Horde there. An Alliance player doing the Nesingwary quests/BB quests is more likely to encounter Horde because Horde has those quests too, plus others from Grom'gol that are done close by.

Re: Horde / Alliance ratio 5 to 1?

by eotrampage » Mon Mar 16, 2015 3:51 pm

Ivina wrote:Horde and alliance overall ratio is very close to 1:1.

But, this is not true regarding one specific zone.

In a generic way, lvl 15-30 zones in Kalimdor have more horde, while zones in Azeroth have more alliance.
It still depends from one area to another. In Ashenvale, for example, it is quite close to even alliance-horde population.

Also, horde seems to be more prompt to PvP :)

rofl couldnt be further from the truth if you tried!
Senior Sergeant
Senior Sergeant

Re: Horde / Alliance ratio 5 to 1?

by eotrampage » Mon Mar 16, 2015 3:52 pm

Tekko wrote:
Szabinger wrote:
Tekko wrote:If there is that much more Horde, then it must be a complete and utter nightmare levelling on that side pre 30.

It is unfortunately.

It's also hell on the alliance side, I don't think the Alliance can be that outnumbered, add the fact that Horde seem to like PVP more.
Would like to see some proof :)

Compared to the horde starting areas the areas in alliance starting zones are really empty already
Senior Sergeant
Senior Sergeant

Re: Horde / Alliance ratio 5 to 1?

by norm964bgb » Mon Mar 16, 2015 4:10 pm

eotrampage wrote:
Ivina wrote:Horde and alliance overall ratio is very close to 1:1.

But, this is not true regarding one specific zone.

In a generic way, lvl 15-30 zones in Kalimdor have more horde, while zones in Azeroth have more alliance.
It still depends from one area to another. In Ashenvale, for example, it is quite close to even alliance-horde population.

Also, horde seems to be more prompt to PvP :)

rofl couldnt be further from the truth if you tried!

What exaclty?
Horde:Alliance ratio 1:1 - check
15-30 Kalimdor areas (Barrens, 1k needles, Stonetalon all have more Horde)
15-30 Eastern Kingdom (Redridge, Wetlands, Duskwood) all have more Alliance

Whether Horde is more prone to PvP than Alliance is an assumption. Only here you could be right with your blubbering.
Senior Sergeant
Senior Sergeant

Re: Horde / Alliance ratio 5 to 1?

by eotrampage » Mon Mar 16, 2015 4:10 pm

You base you "facts" on false numbers lol
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Senior Sergeant

Re: Horde / Alliance ratio 5 to 1?

by waffle » Mon Mar 16, 2015 4:15 pm

eotrampage wrote:You base you "facts" on false numbers lol

Yeah, and so do you. You take your opinion and just bash it around without any argument or proof.

Read this stuff in the thread, esp. on the how to fix the census addon.

Do a fresh census count on both sides (at the same time or direct after each other, dunno if you want to log on both factions at the same time) and compare the numbers of the characters.

There you have the best facts for yourself, or do you have any insight why numbers are 'false'? Tinhat maybe? ;)

Re: Horde / Alliance ratio 5 to 1?

by eotrampage » Mon Mar 16, 2015 4:17 pm

waffle wrote:
eotrampage wrote:You base you "facts" on false numbers lol

Yeah, and so do you. You take your opinion and just bash it around without any argument or proof.

Read this stuff in the thread, esp. on the how to fix the census addon.

Do a fresh census count on both sides (at the same time or direct after each other, dunno if you want to log on both factions at the same time) and compare the numbers of the characters.

There you have the best facts for yourself, or do you have any insight why numbers are 'false'? Tinhat maybe? ;)

the census addon and who list is pure bullshit. But other things where people need to register do show lots more horde.

Also knowing this server team if the horde alliance ratio was equal they'd spam the ratio everywhere to advertise.
Senior Sergeant
Senior Sergeant

Re: Horde / Alliance ratio 5 to 1?

by waffle » Mon Mar 16, 2015 4:23 pm

eotrampage wrote:the census addon and who list is pure bullshit. But other things where people need to register do show lots more horde.

Also knowing this server team if the horde alliance ratio was equal they'd spam the ratio everywhere to advertise.

Wow. Never seem such a bad example of ignorance, congrats and now carry on, do some 'research' on your conspiracy theories.

For your info: The census IS SHIT if you dont fix it. the /who is also not functional on SOME things.

If you fix the census addon, do a fresh census count, you can see everything. Character names, level, guild. It should or is pretty much correct until a very high number of lvl 60 will appear where the /who filtering won't work anymore.

Census filters and breaks down the /who into smaller increments, filters then after races and so on to get every single player.

So now, just tell me please how a random 'register here' thing, where INTERESTED PEOPLE need to register themselves, is more reliable than an addon who will find you, even if you DONT WANT to.

How many are active on forums? Only a small amount of every community, as a keyboard warrior, you should know this.

Re: Horde / Alliance ratio 5 to 1?

by eotrampage » Mon Mar 16, 2015 4:24 pm

waffle wrote:
eotrampage wrote:the census addon and who list is pure bullshit. But other things where people need to register do show lots more horde.

Also knowing this server team if the horde alliance ratio was equal they'd spam the ratio everywhere to advertise.

Wow. Never seem such a bad example of ignorance, congrats and now carry on, do some 'research' on your conspiracy theories.

For your info: The census IS SHIT if you dont fix it. the /who is also not functional on SOME things.

If you fix the census addon, do a fresh census count, you can see everything. Character names, level, guild. It should or is pretty much correct until a very high number of lvl 60 will appear where the /who filtering won't work anymore.

Census filters and breaks down the /who into smaller increments, filters then after races and so on to get every single player.

So now, just tell me please how a random 'register here' thing, where INTERESTED PEOPLE need to register themselves, is more reliable than an addon who will find you, even if you DONT WANT to.

How many are active on forums? Only a small amount of every community, as a keyboard warrior, you should know this.

An Addon which also counts all the bot used to create fake statistics
Senior Sergeant
Senior Sergeant

Re: Horde / Alliance ratio 5 to 1?

by Hydra9268 » Mon Mar 16, 2015 4:28 pm

yekezei wrote:Hi, this is not a rant post just really curious.

I finally reached level 30 and went to thousand needles and STV. Took me about 2 hours to complete one quest after 30 corpse runs from ganks. I almost exclusively see horde, and whenever a horde ganks me and I fight back, theres a second horde passing by raping me.

I do enjoy world PVP and understand that it's part of leveling, BUT, where the F*** are all the allies?

May I make a suggestion and switch the server to PVE? TBH PVP servers serve no useful purpose other than being a server for ganking douchebags to hinder people's levelling process. When we want to PVP we'll flag for it, or go do SS / TM... Crossroads, or we'll join a BG. As I recall there were way more people who played on PVE servers during vanilla days; I'm one of those. I only play on this server for the nostalgia. But true nostalgia would be to play on a server that doesn't force PVP on me while questing or gathering resources.
Last edited by Hydra9268 on Mon Mar 16, 2015 4:36 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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