riq and snog wrote:I may out myself here seeing the pvp community finds it funny to gank and cause grief...
Here's one of my experiences on Nostalrius. I was grinding Centaurs in Thousand Needles to reach level 26. Off the distance I saw a level 35 Warrior running down the path. My first thought was, "Please don't attack me." I was in the process of attacking a level 27 centaur so I was taking a fair bit of damage to begin with. The Warrior ran right at me. "Please don't attack... oh look he's attacking me." He killed me in basically 2 hits.
Here's an example where I was minding my own business. I wasn't "stealing" his node. I wasn't "stealing" his mob. I wasn't attacking some slow respawning npc he was waiting for. I wasn't harassing his lower levelled friend. I wasn't attacking a town with lowbies. I wasn't doing anything to warrant this unprovoked attack. The guy simply saw me and killed me for no reason.
If I was on a PVE server this would not have happened.
This doesn't mean I can't play my class because I dueled 8 rogues in a row and beat every single one.
It simply shows that a PVP server enables assholes like this to be assholes with no conscience.