Just Gotta Say...Vanilla is still fun as fuck 10 years later

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Re: Just Gotta Say...Vanilla is still fun as fuck 10 years l

by Arise » Tue Mar 17, 2015 11:22 am

Arkanjil wrote:I agree Maeven. I'm actually to the point I've had dreams or couldn't sleep from thinking about the server, haven't had that happen from a game since....vanilla 10 yrs ago.

I dreamed about it last night. Was kind of an embarrassing realization when I woke up. :)
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Re: Just Gotta Say...Vanilla is still fun as fuck 10 years l

by Jackyy » Tue Mar 17, 2015 11:27 am

in aspects of pure gameplay, TBC was better IMO. (hate inc)

but the overall feeling beeing in azeroth was never better then in vanilla, thats why i played it 6 1/2 years.
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Re: Just Gotta Say...Vanilla is still fun as fuck 10 years l

by alucard001 » Tue Mar 17, 2015 1:15 pm

This server made me stop paying for Wow retail.
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Re: Just Gotta Say...Vanilla is still fun as fuck 10 years l

by HawkGirl » Tue Mar 17, 2015 1:32 pm

Most definitely agree.

After all the years telling everyone just how much better Vanilla was.. after a while of being told I'm wearing rose-tinted goggles you start to think... am I? Nope! Vanilla is still better than retail. I haven't had this much fun in years. <3 you Nos.
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Re: Just Gotta Say...Vanilla is still fun as fuck 10 years l

by azreal313 » Tue Mar 17, 2015 1:39 pm

riq and snog wrote:I dont agree:-)
The amount of peeps and therefore the possibillity to play at any time of day reasonably, which due to my work scedule can differ quite a bit, is the only reason im here.
I know its 2 weeks and hopefully gets fixed enough within a year or too.
Also spawn rates not being adjust to playerbase... well have fun with them grinds...
All in all i felt dissapointed as too hype went down quite a bit.

Do you even read the announcements? A patch is coming that increases mob spawn rates retroactively based on the amount of people in the area.
Last edited by azreal313 on Tue Mar 17, 2015 5:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Just Gotta Say...Vanilla is still fun as fuck 10 years l

by Hexxd » Tue Mar 17, 2015 5:29 pm

100% agree. I have become completely disillusioned with the retail version of wow.

I have purchased all but the last expansion as I barely played the Mists of Pangayia. It just feels like the original spark that created Vanilla wow is long extinguished and the devs are basically raping a dead corpse in an attempt to pump out more shekels. All the new spells introduced for my class seem unnecessary, and feel as though they were added in a rush as people expected new abilities along with higher level bracket.

The retail world is also overly polished and feels akin to walking around Disney Land. Vanilla has a rougher exterior, but that is a quality that is endearing to me rather than off putting.

I am super hooked on wow again. I'm wondering if the success of this server and possibly others will give bliz the incentive to create legit Vanilla wow servers. Instead of forcing everyone to consume their shit new products, which I haven't really enjoyed since BC.

Re: Just Gotta Say...Vanilla is still fun as fuck 10 years l

by uksz » Tue Mar 17, 2015 5:46 pm

So true man, I totally agree

Re: Just Gotta Say...Vanilla is still fun as fuck 10 years l

by Garfunkel » Tue Mar 17, 2015 6:58 pm

Hecuba wrote:Seeing a lot of doom and gloom with bugs and glitches and whatnot, but I'm glad to return to a place and be able to reminisce at least a little bit. Nostalrius ain't perfect, and there's some small details and polish missing, but the general experience is still there. There's a level of consistency with vanilla WoW that kinda gets placed to the side with later expansions when quick traveling is easy as fuck and you don't really have to interact with people anymore. Professions on the whole, also seem more worthwhile.

I'm also starting to realize that because the game is so old and it changed so much, actually having to look up things has become harder again, which kinda gave me more of an incentive to read the quests and take it slowly.

How does the game feel to you timers and post Cata folks who never experienced vanilla?

I stopped playing WoW during Burning Crusade, spring of 2008. As you said, there are bugs and glitches and issues, but by and large, I'm loving it. In 16 days I've logged in over 6 days of playing time, which is nutty :lol:
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Re: Just Gotta Say...Vanilla is still fun as fuck 10 years l

by Robotron » Tue Mar 17, 2015 7:18 pm

I played retail WoW from June 2006 to June 2011, and playing on Nost makes me feel like I've stepped in a time machine and gone back 10 years (considering Nost is an older version than I played).
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Re: Just Gotta Say...Vanilla is still fun as fuck 10 years l

by dragonrebel » Tue Mar 17, 2015 10:41 pm

As somebody who leveled from 1-90 during pandaria. With the exception of real life friends, I am level 26 and I now have more people in my friends list than the number of people that said anything to me during my entire 1-90 in pandaria. I am finally playing an MMO with other players again and it feels amazing.


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