alucard001 wrote:Timeline of Nostalrius seems to be a huge mistake. I dont think that will be good for players. I dont want to be obligated to spend a lot of time in single raids.
If you really do this, i wont join this server until Naxxramas have been released.
(...) You all will fail with this Timeline
Hey Alucard, let me give you my point of view: today, you have several vanilla servers with different policies and more or less endgame content already released - servers are aiming at specific types of population and reguarding what you are looking for, you will choose one server over an other one.
Fact is Nostalrius chosed to be as Blizzlike as possible and that timeline is part of the details that highlight that willingness.
Probably you're stuck to the difficulty although most of the people seemed to come here for it and the challenge it implies... but if this is the case, you've missed the best part.
Which one? Starting at previous patches will enable us to live the introduction of new content as big EVENTS: I'm mostly thinking of the introduction of AQ and also Naxx with the Scourge invasion. Can you take part in it on a server where everything is already released ? No. To me, when I arrived on those kind of servers, I just felt like I came *too late*, on the contrary, I'm more feeling Nostalrius as a sort of "time machine" and that, no other server ever let you experience this, that's why, to me, you'd rather take that timeline as an opportunity instead of arriving after the release of Naxx like the people who will discover Nostalrius too late...