Regarding alcor's and drop rates in general

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Re: Regarding alcor's and drop rates in general

by sloasdaylight » Fri Mar 27, 2015 6:25 pm

Zyfire wrote:That sounds like a very bad whitewash to me.

I was thinking the same thing.
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Re: Regarding alcor's and drop rates in general

by Clonk » Fri Mar 27, 2015 6:29 pm

Zyfire wrote:That sounds like a very bad whitewash to me.

If you want to continue to insist that a chronically guildless player has applied to your 4chan guild, then go ahead, I guess. But if your feelings are so hurt over cleaning you from world chat and disclosing the leveling exploit, you'd be better served to "own" me with some evidence. If in doubt, ask Eso for advice. He was the one spamming me about his cyber warfare skills.
Oi - 60 rogue
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- Highest rogue dps on nost
- Trans-black woman with queer tendencies
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- Good at finding epics in heavy junkboxes
- Elite pronounceable two-letter name
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Re: Regarding alcor's and drop rates in general

by Kevibear » Fri Mar 27, 2015 6:34 pm


Not even part of fake <GRLZZLY>
“Our spirit of enjoyment was stronger than our spirit of sacrifice. We wanted to have more than we wanted to give. We tried to spare effort, and met disaster.”
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Re: Regarding alcor's and drop rates in general

by Clonk » Fri Mar 27, 2015 6:36 pm

Kevibear wrote:Image

Not even part of fake <GRLZZLY>

We're on kronos and 8chan, m8.
Oi - 60 rogue
- GM of kronos GRIZZLY
- Highest rogue dps on nost
- Trans-black woman with queer tendencies
- Pronouns she/her/herself and zhe/zir/zoidself
- Good at finding epics in heavy junkboxes
- Elite pronounceable two-letter name
- Snappy dresser

Re: Regarding alcor's and drop rates in general

by SeekingElites » Fri Mar 27, 2015 6:38 pm

Clonk wrote:We're on kronos and 8chan, m8.

Literally non human
Always seeking elites, seeking confirmation for elite status, and questioning possibly elite things.

Re: Regarding alcor's and drop rates in general

by Clonk » Fri Mar 27, 2015 6:42 pm

- Banned GRIZZLY from world chat
- Beat all of their dps by a wide margin in all 4 groups we've done together
- Gouge them on sash of mercy
- Find 6 alcor's
- Reveal the posts on ownedcor talking about their leveling exploit

These people are mad and it's no wonder.
Oi - 60 rogue
- GM of kronos GRIZZLY
- Highest rogue dps on nost
- Trans-black woman with queer tendencies
- Pronouns she/her/herself and zhe/zir/zoidself
- Good at finding epics in heavy junkboxes
- Elite pronounceable two-letter name
- Snappy dresser

Re: Regarding alcor's and drop rates in general

by Clonk » Fri Mar 27, 2015 6:46 pm

Keep sending me /w-s every day about just how mad you are. :^)
Oi - 60 rogue
- GM of kronos GRIZZLY
- Highest rogue dps on nost
- Trans-black woman with queer tendencies
- Pronouns she/her/herself and zhe/zir/zoidself
- Good at finding epics in heavy junkboxes
- Elite pronounceable two-letter name
- Snappy dresser

Re: Regarding alcor's and drop rates in general

by Cataclysm » Fri Mar 27, 2015 6:49 pm

Clonk wrote:- Gouge them on sash of mercy

hey i paid a fair price and im happy about it ^_^

Eating glitter so your shit shines bright like a diamond
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Re: Regarding alcor's and drop rates in general

by Pop » Fri Mar 27, 2015 6:53 pm

Wanna hear something funny?
the rates on those items is same as Feenix had on it before their core merge 2013≈.
If you didnt realise by now they have taken feenix old core and fixed some quests on the way to 60 to "COVER" it up.
Thats why everyone complaining now when they reached 60 as bugged ragnaros <- same bugg on feenix, coincidence? i think not rofl. Same rates before their core merge? i think not rofl.
Its getting fucking sad just, i demand my 30 lvls spent on this realm that is exactly the same as old feenix except most quests fixed before their core merge.
Dont think im defending feenix or any other realm cus im not, they are shit also but this joke here is even shittier.

"Why are you still here then"
This was my last day, so you 'blind' people that will hate on me after this comment you will not see me anymore so you can breath again. But mark my words that sooner or later you will realise that this is even worse and a huge sam towards us saying this is quality realm.
- Popco/Popko/Co

Re: Regarding alcor's and drop rates in general

by Clonk » Fri Mar 27, 2015 6:54 pm

Cataclysm wrote:
Clonk wrote:- Gouge them on sash of mercy

hey i paid a fair price and im happy about it ^_^

Eso paid part of it like the good white knight that he is, let's not omit that part.

Artist's rendition of Eso:
Oi - 60 rogue
- GM of kronos GRIZZLY
- Highest rogue dps on nost
- Trans-black woman with queer tendencies
- Pronouns she/her/herself and zhe/zir/zoidself
- Good at finding epics in heavy junkboxes
- Elite pronounceable two-letter name
- Snappy dresser


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