Nostalrius vs. Kronos - Who will win?

Discussion forum related to PVP Server.

Re: Nostalrius vs. Kronos - Who will win?

by valaquenta » Sat Mar 28, 2015 10:53 am

Jimbob123 wrote:
valaquenta wrote:Another dumbass who knows nothing about history, who calls people surrenderers in times of war when he never lived in such dark times, and.... who compares war to private servers's competitons. Either a very bad troll, or a sad individual, really.

Are you french too? Sorry, all the baguettes were burnt. You'll have to go hungry today.

Nah, i bought some croissants mate, they should do the trick

Re: Nostalrius vs. Kronos - Who will win?

by Jimbob123 » Sat Mar 28, 2015 10:54 am

valaquenta wrote:
Jimbob123 wrote:
valaquenta wrote:Another dumbass who knows nothing about history, who calls people surrenderers in times of war when he never lived in such dark times, and.... who compares war to private servers's competitons. Either a very bad troll, or a sad individual, really.

Are you french too? Sorry, all the baguettes were burnt. You'll have to go hungry today.

Nah, i bought some croissants mate, they should do the trick

Oh I know what you french people do with your croissants.

Re: Nostalrius vs. Kronos - Who will win?

by waffle » Sat Mar 28, 2015 11:00 am

Many hype trolls on every stream, on every forums BUT not on their own kronos forums.

Look at their forums, you really need to look for the hype there...'uh yeah uh uh we have waited to long! uh uh we are chill cuz we are burned out waiting!' sure..that is the reason to be calm? Seriously if there would be even half of those fanboys there from the streams and this forums, the kronos forums would BURN in hype! But nearly nothing is there...lel

3rd or 4th release now, right? Well...guess what happens when the server crashes again and again and again...the players leave AGAIN and the server closes after a few weeks. Again.

Some people never learn.

Judging nost on the current problems (which are NOT small but as well not as big as the haters pretend) is like pretending private servers are mostly bugfree. Kronos will have bugs, exploiters AND bad communication on different problems as well, if you do not think so, we will speak again in a month :)

Re: Nostalrius vs. Kronos - Who will win?

by Clonk » Sat Mar 28, 2015 11:04 am

DrunkenEnvy wrote:
Clonk wrote:Nostalrius' economy and pve progression will forever be screwed up due to someone at nostal setting FunServer loot settings until all his friends got their shit (also buggy bosses and mobs).

Hey guys, this Clonk/Oi person is an outcast on Nostalrius, so don't mind what he says. He just wants to find another realm to play on because his name is forever stained here.

There's no way that a server hosted in Yugoslavia with 1 script kiddie in college on its fourth release could compete with 16 developers and a 5-7k population here in France.

It's all propaganda. If shilling and propaganda is enough to win anything, then I think something's wrong with this world.

Economy is fine, there are 11k auctions right now all with decent prices (Horde), green drop rates were bugged until the 19th, meaning there were barely any level 60s by the time it all got patched up. One boss was bugged for one reset, and you think it means a lot?


The GM is literally in grizzly's raid handing them legendaries.

All current 60s have a huge advantage over future 60s, we're bathing in gold and good gear that we obtained much faster than is blizzlike.
Oi - 60 rogue
- GM of kronos GRIZZLY
- Highest rogue dps on nost
- Trans-black woman with queer tendencies
- Pronouns she/her/herself and zhe/zir/zoidself
- Good at finding epics in heavy junkboxes
- Elite pronounceable two-letter name
- Snappy dresser

Re: Nostalrius vs. Kronos - Who will win?

by Larsen » Sat Mar 28, 2015 11:09 am

Senior Sergeant
Senior Sergeant

Re: Nostalrius vs. Kronos - Who will win?

by DrunkenEnvy » Sat Mar 28, 2015 11:11 am

Clonk wrote:>greens

The GM is literally in grizzly's raid handing them legendaries.

All current 60s have a huge advantage over future 60s, we're bathing in gold and good gear that we obtained much faster than is blizzlike.

1. I regularly play in battlegrounds where 20-30 (wsg/ab) people are all riding 60% mounts.
2. Why do you think GMs are giving GRIZZLY legendaries when the photo of it dropping showed it being looted from a boss?

You're either an idiot or a desperate outcast, but you could be a mixture of both.
Senior Sergeant
Senior Sergeant

Re: Nostalrius vs. Kronos - Who will win?

by Clonk » Sat Mar 28, 2015 11:18 am

Larsen wrote:*eyeroll*

Oi - 60 rogue
- GM of kronos GRIZZLY
- Highest rogue dps on nost
- Trans-black woman with queer tendencies
- Pronouns she/her/herself and zhe/zir/zoidself
- Good at finding epics in heavy junkboxes
- Elite pronounceable two-letter name
- Snappy dresser

Re: Nostalrius vs. Kronos - Who will win?

by valaquenta » Sat Mar 28, 2015 11:35 am

......... hmmm, no we just, like, eat them, you know..... now if you do have this kind of fetish, i won't judge you x)

Re: Nostalrius vs. Kronos - Who will win?

by Struckd » Sat Mar 28, 2015 11:37 am

I might be playing on Kronos. But Nostalrius will be keeping the population overall.

There are many people who are happy with the state of the server and have invested enough of their time to stay. Nos will be the most populated server...I don't think Kronos will change that, but Kronos will have a decent chunk of population, and I guess thats good enough? we will have to see how the numbers turn out.

Also, why does it have be vs?? seriously this isn't a war, why can't there be two servers that tackle the vanilla experience differently? There is nothing wrong with choice, it will just expand the vanilla community as a whole...there is no need to pit one server against the other...all this hate...for what? Be happy, you will live longer.
Last edited by Struckd on Sat Mar 28, 2015 11:47 am, edited 2 times in total.

Re: Nostalrius vs. Kronos - Who will win?

by Jimbob123 » Sat Mar 28, 2015 11:37 am

valaquenta wrote:......... hmmm, no we just, like, eat them, you know..... now if you do have this kind of fetish, i won't judge you x)

The only thing I have a fetish for is watching washed up projects crash and burn.

Why do you think I'm here contributing?


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