joormom wrote:It's unclear, GMs have yet to give us a proper response on this. Just ignore Ogtucker, "Don't feed the trolls". Basically I've had 2 threads open, 1 was locked by the GMs as linked above, and was supposedly under "Discussion" we will see. Until then, I suppose bringing it up over and over is the only way to get a GM response.
I'm here to help. I don't even play here. I just find amusement with this server and its staff when blunders are made. It's a real life comedy.
In this situation, multiple players have a legitimate concern about game mechanics and the server supposedly being a Blizzclone offering. The GM went on record with "well, that's how it was, that's how we're going to run it, but find some proof to the contrary if you can."
A player did, so now they have the double whammy of not knowing they were talking about which took less than 2 minutes to research, as well as having to decide if they're going to uphold Blizz policy in a legit way or just shitcan it.
If I were a betting man, I'd say they just want this whole mess to go away like several other issues that have been unpleasent for them to handle.