Jackyy wrote:azreal313 wrote:
Wow, you don't realise how much better at dungeon tanking paladins are over warriors because of their AoE threat and buffing. Raids? Sure, Warriors will always be the best.
i see your point.
it works in stratholme. but in stuff like LBRS u will have major issues. not to mention UBRS.
the taunt is simply missing. and BoP has 3 mins cooldown (implying u specced it).
i tested it on feenix with full rank 10 gear. + some Aq20/40 + BWL items (rings/trineks/cape )
stratholme UD = ok.
stratholme living = horror once u face the scarlets
diremaul = so so some parts are easy some are absolutly horrid to tank
LBRS = absolute horror
UBRs = i found not a party who even let me tank it
BRD = ok but that's more because of the extreme outgearing
you simply don't build up enough thread.
I tried tanking quite a while on warsong with mostly pre-raid warrior blues/ironfoe/FRD (engi shield)/one ZG ring/ the usual trinkets (force of will + vigilance charm) and my experience was a little different:
UD Strat: Easy except for mana drains. Kept engineering shield on to keep threat on spiders.
Live Strat: Easy until the scarlet melees, Balnazzar was either really easy or reeealllly hard (RNG fear/stun).
DM W/E: Easy except for the arc missles spamming mobs at the end of DM W.
DM N: Good, but required a mage. Got rekt on Kromcrush and left.
LBRS: Only tanked it once without CC DPS. Fucking nightmare on Smolderweb, and the rest was quite difficult but we finished without being terribly overgeared.
UBRS (off-tank): Tanking Gyth was easy, really good (could tank 4-6 mobs, pulled significantly more threat than the T1+T2 warrior MT) until Drakk, then I had to be fed heals constantly until the tank swap WITH fire aura, and a G fire prot pot.
BRD: Joke. Leeroy most of the dungeon and barely take damage. Ridiculous threat.
I don't miss drinking every two pulls.
I don't miss having feral druids charge into packs of mobs screaming "HEAL PALA."
I don't miss having 3900 HP unbuffed, and requiring a million buffs to compete with a mediocre warrior tank on some bosses.
That being said, as far as threat was concerned the only time I had problems in any dungeon was when some dimwit DPS decided to spam frostbolt/sinister strike before I had a chance to touch the mob. Since you played there as well, you surely know how often that happened in 5-mans. Then again, this was my experience with mostly 1.12.1 available pre-raid/vote gear (400-415 def, 15-16 parry, 15-17 block, 15-16 dodge depending on shield) so I assume pally tanking at 60 would be quite a bit more difficult on Nostalrius.
I'm making a bear tank here. Also, I'm glad those whiners conned me into tanking Drek'thar that day. It was fun.
(edited because I'm a dick)