Plate classes who refuse to tank

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Re: Plate classes who refuse to tank

by Drain » Tue Mar 31, 2015 11:36 pm

You shouldn't try to dictate what roles other people want to play. If a Warrior wants to deal damage, not tank, then it wouldn't have made any different if you brought a Rogue instead. Btw, we Horde don't even get Paladins. While you complain about Paladins not tanking, we don't even get this class. Try tanking as a Shaman.
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Re: Plate classes who refuse to tank

by Hydra9268 » Tue Mar 31, 2015 11:46 pm

Drain wrote:You shouldn't try to dictate what roles other people want to play. If a Warrior wants to deal damage, not tank, then it wouldn't have made any different if you brought a Rogue instead. Btw, we Horde don't even get Paladins. While you complain about Paladins not tanking, we don't even get this class. Try tanking as a Shaman.

The reason why Warriors is mostly required to tank is because they are the only class designed in vanilla for this role. Paladins and Shamans don't have the mechanics for it. This is the same reason why raids don't take Enh / Ele Shaman. In vanilla classes were much more specific to a role unlike today where many of the classes are homogenized. In vanilla Warriors are ALWAYS tanks, Shaman are ALWAYS healers and Paladins are ALWAYS buffers.
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Re: Plate classes who refuse to tank

by holkan » Tue Mar 31, 2015 11:51 pm

Paladins can tank 5 mans fine their only issue is not being able to push crushing blows off the melee table easily for raid mobs and having no taunt means tank swap encounters are impossible. They also have to drink but not that often if done right because of the insane agro they generate.

Druids can also tank 5mans and some raid encounters, although once again druids can't push crushing blows off the table. However their high armor makes it possible with the right gear on some encounters.
Last edited by holkan on Tue Mar 31, 2015 11:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Plate classes who refuse to tank

by Hydra9268 » Tue Mar 31, 2015 11:52 pm

Shamans can tank in dungeons too... but raids: Warriors, always.
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Re: Plate classes who refuse to tank

by potcorn » Wed Apr 01, 2015 12:30 am

Jackyy wrote:
azreal313 wrote:
Wow, you don't realise how much better at dungeon tanking paladins are over warriors because of their AoE threat and buffing. Raids? Sure, Warriors will always be the best.

i see your point.

it works in stratholme. but in stuff like LBRS u will have major issues. not to mention UBRS.
the taunt is simply missing. and BoP has 3 mins cooldown (implying u specced it).

i tested it on feenix with full rank 10 gear. + some Aq20/40 + BWL items (rings/trineks/cape )

stratholme UD = ok.
stratholme living = horror once u face the scarlets
diremaul = so so some parts are easy some are absolutly horrid to tank
LBRS = absolute horror
UBRs = i found not a party who even let me tank it
BRD = ok but that's more because of the extreme outgearing

you simply don't build up enough thread.
I tried tanking quite a while on warsong with mostly pre-raid warrior blues/ironfoe/FRD (engi shield)/one ZG ring/ the usual trinkets (force of will + vigilance charm) and my experience was a little different:

UD Strat: Easy except for mana drains. Kept engineering shield on to keep threat on spiders.
Live Strat: Easy until the scarlet melees, Balnazzar was either really easy or reeealllly hard (RNG fear/stun).
DM W/E: Easy except for the arc missles spamming mobs at the end of DM W.
DM N: Good, but required a mage. Got rekt on Kromcrush and left.
LBRS: Only tanked it once without CC DPS. Fucking nightmare on Smolderweb, and the rest was quite difficult but we finished without being terribly overgeared.
UBRS (off-tank): Tanking Gyth was easy, really good (could tank 4-6 mobs, pulled significantly more threat than the T1+T2 warrior MT) until Drakk, then I had to be fed heals constantly until the tank swap WITH fire aura, and a G fire prot pot.
BRD: Joke. Leeroy most of the dungeon and barely take damage. Ridiculous threat.

I don't miss drinking every two pulls.
I don't miss having feral druids charge into packs of mobs screaming "HEAL PALA."
I don't miss having 3900 HP unbuffed, and requiring a million buffs to compete with a mediocre warrior tank on some bosses.

That being said, as far as threat was concerned the only time I had problems in any dungeon was when some dimwit DPS decided to spam frostbolt/sinister strike before I had a chance to touch the mob. Since you played there as well, you surely know how often that happened in 5-mans. Then again, this was my experience with mostly 1.12.1 available pre-raid/vote gear (400-415 def, 15-16 parry, 15-17 block, 15-16 dodge depending on shield) so I assume pally tanking at 60 would be quite a bit more difficult on Nostalrius.

I'm making a bear tank here. Also, I'm glad those whiners conned me into tanking Drek'thar that day. It was fun.
(edited because I'm a dick)
TANKING DREKTHAR 3.jpg (227.45 KiB) Viewed 1130 times
Last edited by potcorn on Wed Apr 01, 2015 12:56 am, edited 5 times in total.

Re: Plate classes who refuse to tank

by Jackyy » Wed Apr 01, 2015 12:35 am

well u tanked as prot or holy?

i tanked while holy specced (because well noone is really prot specced in vanilla)
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Re: Plate classes who refuse to tank

by Snide » Wed Apr 01, 2015 12:39 am

Fun fact: A warrior in threat gear with half a clue will out aoe tank any paladin. Warriors are superior to paladin tanking in vanilla in every way you can imagine.
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Re: Plate classes who refuse to tank

by potcorn » Wed Apr 01, 2015 12:53 am

Jackyy wrote:well u tanked as prot or holy?

i tanked while holy specced (because well noone is really prot specced in vanilla)

This most of the time: ... 150105004k
This if I wanted to heal things like Ony or UBRS and still help fresh 60's run BRD and join the Ironfoe Club: ... 0335c1501p

The worst part is that BoSanct and Holy Shield screwed you out of looting mobs on that server, so it was better to grind as ret in spellpower gear with the engi shield. Hopefully those two abilities work properly here for any hobbyist pally tanks that want to grind gold.
Snide wrote:Fun fact: A warrior in threat gear with half a clue will out aoe tank any paladin. Warriors are superior to paladin tanking in vanilla in every way you can imagine.
Fun fact: you're not trolling very hard. You can do better.

Also it's not 2006 anymore, and the point has been driven home very hard in the last decade that pallies are not meant for raids, but are excellent on trash and can heal alright with a simple gear swap.

Re: Plate classes who refuse to tank

by Snide » Wed Apr 01, 2015 1:20 am

I'm not sure what I'm trolling about. Watch my stream and see me tank 10+ mobs as a warrior and you'd understand. No paladin will ever hope to come close to my threat and I'm nowhere near my ideal tps gear.
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Re: Plate classes who refuse to tank

by macgarthur » Wed Apr 01, 2015 2:22 am

If you can tank you should tank. If you can heal you should heal. However people are going to play how they like and that's OK, just makes full time tanks and healers a valuable commodity.
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