Miller Safe Spot abusing

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Re: Miller Safe Spot abusing

by CapnPrat » Thu Apr 02, 2015 11:06 pm

OGTUCKER117 wrote:
CapnPrat wrote:There was a GM response saying it's allowed, but if Blizzard didn't allow it, then they wouldn't either. I know you saw the post because you commented calling the guy that found the Blizzard posts about it not being allowed a bitch or something of that nature.

Speaking of bitches, how did those swords taste earlier? My buddy was streaming when he stomped your face in several times in Blasted Lands. I'm curious, what was your repair bill after taking the rez sickness?

nobody ever got in trouble for this in retail. the ONE blizz post you have was posted on april fools and regardless nobody ever faced any consequences for it. it IS part of the game whether you like it or not 8-)
and for your friend, good job to him i guess for killing me when i was either
a.) low on health and just rezzed
b.) with a mob
c.) he had another person with him
i forget what level he was but im willing to bet i would win in a 1v1 as long as he isnt more than 2 levels higher than me

There are several posts about it. Not just the one that HAPPENED to be on April 1st.

I knew people that got warnings and suspensions from Blizzard for Safespotting.

You attacked him first.
He had a mob, not you.
He was alone, but you had a shaman there a couple of the times.
He was a level UNDER you.

Make more excuses you bad.

BTW, I killed you out in Duskwood when I was 5-7 levels under you a couple weeks ago. So bad.

Re: Miller Safe Spot abusing

by crowbar » Thu Apr 02, 2015 11:09 pm

There shouldn't even be guards there in 1.4.
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Re: Miller Safe Spot abusing

by Guirssane » Thu Apr 02, 2015 11:09 pm

Who's got the biggest D here? Well I guess it's me. Sorry guys
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Re: Miller Safe Spot abusing

by Cataclysm » Thu Apr 02, 2015 11:10 pm

Witcher wrote:Hello everyone!

I'm not sure if there is still confusion on this matter, but I'll try to clear it up.

We DO allow SafeSpotting on this server. If you can get to a spot without any illegal means, you're free to attack from there. This may change in the future and if it does, we will let you know.


If you use any sort of method to attack through a roof INTO a building, that is strictly prohibited. Spells like Blizzard, Volley, etc are NOT to be used to attack players inside a building by attacking THROUGH the roof. This is a bannable offense.

If you see any players attacking in this manner, please screenshot it and either submit a ticket or PM me with a link to the screenshot.

So if you see people fighting from the rooftops or from other SafeSpots, we suggest you rally your troops and fight hard to retaliate!


p.s. You are free to request that a GM intervene and ask any SafeSpotters to stop, however, we are neither obligated to ask the player to stop nor are we obligated to punish a player for not moving.

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Re: Miller Safe Spot abusing

by OGTUCKER117 » Thu Apr 02, 2015 11:12 pm

CapnPrat wrote: killed you out in Duskwood when I was 5-7 levels under you a couple weeks ago. So bad.

ya thats a fucking lie ill meet u anywhere anytime if you wanna test me kid untill then stfu
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Re: Miller Safe Spot abusing

by OGTUCKER117 » Thu Apr 02, 2015 11:15 pm

see the following post
Witcher wrote:Hello everyone!

I'm not sure if there is still confusion on this matter, but I'll try to clear it up.

We DO allow SafeSpotting on this server. If you can get to a spot without any illegal means, you're free to attack from there. This may change in the future and if it does, we will let you know.


If you use any sort of method to attack through a roof INTO a building, that is strictly prohibited. Spells like Blizzard, Volley, etc are NOT to be used to attack players inside a building by attacking THROUGH the roof. This is a bannable offense.

If you see any players attacking in this manner, please screenshot it and either submit a ticket or PM me with a link to the screenshot.

So if you see people fighting from the rooftops or from other SafeSpots, we suggest you rally your troops and fight hard to retaliate!


p.s. You are free to request that a GM intervene and ask any SafeSpotters to stop, however, we are neither obligated to ask the player to stop nor are we obligated to punish a player for not moving.

crowbar wrote:There shouldn't even be guards there in 1.4.

OGTUCKER117 wrote:ya thats a fucking lie ill meet u anywhere anytime if you wanna test me kid untill then stfu
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Re: Miller Safe Spot abusing

by CapnPrat » Thu Apr 02, 2015 11:16 pm

Cataclysm wrote:
Witcher wrote:Hello everyone!

I'm not sure if there is still confusion on this matter, but I'll try to clear it up.

We DO allow SafeSpotting on this server. If you can get to a spot without any illegal means, you're free to attack from there. This may change in the future and if it does, we will let you know.


If you use any sort of method to attack through a roof INTO a building, that is strictly prohibited. Spells like Blizzard, Volley, etc are NOT to be used to attack players inside a building by attacking THROUGH the roof. This is a bannable offense.

If you see any players attacking in this manner, please screenshot it and either submit a ticket or PM me with a link to the screenshot.

So if you see people fighting from the rooftops or from other SafeSpots, we suggest you rally your troops and fight hard to retaliate!


p.s. You are free to request that a GM intervene and ask any SafeSpotters to stop, however, we are neither obligated to ask the player to stop nor are we obligated to punish a player for not moving.

That's cool, another GM had previously stated on the forums that they would be putting a stop to this if Blizzard didn't allow it.

Another GM told me in game that they would be changing the guards to be like the post cata guards so that safespotting in neutral towns wouldn't be possible anymore.

No Og, that's not a lie, I dropped you super fast, and I'll do it every time I see you from now on. ;)

Oh, and corpse camping isn't against the ToS, neither here, nor on retail. So I hope you got some buddies that will help you get away.

Re: Miller Safe Spot abusing

by Sable » Thu Apr 02, 2015 11:17 pm

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Re: Miller Safe Spot abusing

by CapnPrat » Thu Apr 02, 2015 11:17 pm

Sable wrote:HEIL NIMPIE

Dat ass tho.


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