Unlawful Banning

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Re: Unlawful Banning

by Orcduck » Fri Apr 03, 2015 2:11 am

Hopefully a GM can put some official word in this matter.

If someone is going as far enough to provide his bank statements to unban a character, I don't see why Daemon and Waddake won't give him a chance.

I think they were too caught up in banning people who sold gold or exploited to gain gold unfairly, but it shouldn't be so bad that a GM (Waddake) would talk down to a player and ban him without a fair trial.
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Re: Unlawful Banning

by Hydra9268 » Fri Apr 03, 2015 2:22 am


I'm going to venture a guess and say that among the Devs they have likely chosen a dedicated person to assemble their weekly builds. I think a similar process of banning players should fall upon a senior GM like Raazi after all the evidence is presented. There should be several layers of precautions built into the banning process so that "false positives", such as what appears to be your case, doesn't happen so often.

If I was a GM I wouldn't ban anyone unless the evidence was overt and overwhelming. In most cases I would defer the ban to a senior GM so that they can keep track of who was banned and for what offense.
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Re: Unlawful Banning

by Thompz » Fri Apr 03, 2015 2:27 am

Hydra9268 wrote:@Thompz

I'm going to venture a guess and say that among the Devs they have likely chosen a dedicated person to assemble their weekly builds. I think a similar process of banning players should fall upon a senior GM like Raazi after all the evidence is presented. There should be several layers of precautions built into the banning process so that "false positives", such as what appears to be your case, doesn't happen so often.

If I was a GM I wouldn't ban anyone unless the evidence was overt and overwhelming. In most cases I would defer the ban to a senior GM so that they can keep track of who has been ban and for what offense.

I had both 1st and 2nd in command tell me there was a mistake, then later rebanned again, I'm not sure there is a judge or jury with stuff like this, just an executioner...

I haven't been presented with any evidence, whatever they have can be explained very easily (since my friend who lent me this remains unbanned on his main.)

I hate this as I feel terrible going public, I spent 3 days begging to be unbanned, I think however this plays out I won't be welcome on their server anymore anyway...
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Re: Unlawful Banning

by OGTUCKER117 » Fri Apr 03, 2015 3:25 am

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Re: Unlawful Banning

by Szabinger » Fri Apr 03, 2015 4:06 am

Interesting read. Any gm care tho chime in?
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Re: Unlawful Banning

by Hydra9268 » Fri Apr 03, 2015 4:37 am

Thompz wrote:I haven't been presented with any evidence, whatever they have can be explained very easily

The evidence isn't for you (or the person with the strike). The evidence is for the person who bans. In other words they have all this evidence presented before them in the form of notes and screenshots and then make a decision.

Thompz wrote:I hate this as I feel terrible going public, I spent 3 days begging to be unbanned, I think however this plays out I won't be welcome on their server anymore anyway...

Be patient. Eventually things will work out.
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Re: Unlawful Banning

by Codeine » Fri Apr 03, 2015 4:40 am

This needs to be rectified and kinda makes me scared to farm gold...
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Re: Unlawful Banning

by JimboPete » Fri Apr 03, 2015 4:49 am

Codeine wrote:This needs to be rectified and kinda makes me scared to farm gold...

I was told it was okay to give away gold/prizes on stream as long as they were gained legitimately.

This leads me to believe they are analyzing WHERE the gold from, not just WHO.

If someone borrowed a bunch of gold that was gained through an abuse of some kind, it really sucks, but they are probably facing some kind of liability.

Though, a repayment plan to the server with a temporary ban would seem more fitting than a permanent ban if someone was unaware of how the other person obtained said gold.
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Re: Unlawful Banning

by Rylox » Fri Apr 03, 2015 4:51 am

Perhaps this friend of yours was lending or selling gold to other people making you look like somebody who bought gold. Either way it would make no sense that he is also not banned.
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Re: Unlawful Banning

by Orcduck » Fri Apr 03, 2015 4:58 am

Hydra9268 wrote:
Thompz wrote:I haven't been presented with any evidence, whatever they have can be explained very easily

The evidence isn't for you (or the person with the strike). The evidence is for the person who bans. In other words they have all this evidence presented before them in the form of notes and screenshots and then make a decision.

Thompz wrote:I hate this as I feel terrible going public, I spent 3 days begging to be unbanned, I think however this plays out I won't be welcome on their server anymore anyway...

Be patient. Eventually things will work out.

Did you get the confirmation to become a GM?

I see you've applied to become one
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